Wooo! Drive Finally Arrived! Ripping as We Speak THANKS!
Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 9:29 pm
Hey All,
So my BU40N finally arrived today.
Popped it into the Vantec case that was recommended (crap screws!!!). Flashed from 1.04 to 1.03 and is currently ripping my first UHD disk.
Thanks for all the work everyone around here has done to make that task about as painless as one could hope for. Thank you.
So my BU40N finally arrived today.
Popped it into the Vantec case that was recommended (crap screws!!!). Flashed from 1.04 to 1.03 and is currently ripping my first UHD disk.
Thanks for all the work everyone around here has done to make that task about as painless as one could hope for. Thank you.