Failure #4 when flashing Asus BW-16D1HT 3.10 to 3.10(MK) on Mac
Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 4:27 pm
I’m going crazy here. I downloaded all the tools and firmwares, I followed all the guides, and still I keep getting “Updating failure #4” and the tray ejects when I use the modified Asus flasher.
It’s a brand new BW-16D1HT/BLK/G/AS, manufactured March 2020. MakeMKV (OS X) reports the following:
Drive Information
Manufacturer: ASUS
Product: BW-16D1HT
Revision: 3.10
Serial number: KLMK3RJ****
Firmware date: 2119-01-04 10:14
Bus encryption flags: 1F
Highest AACS version: 76
LibreDrive Information
Status: Possible (with patched firmware)
Drive platform: MT1959
Harware support: Yes
Firmware support: No
Firmware type: Original (patched version available)
Firmware version: 3.10
DVD all regions: Possible (with patched firmware)
BD raw data read: Possible (with patched firmware)
BD raw metadata read: Possible (with patched firmware)
Unrestricted read speed: Possible (with patched firmware)
I use the modified Asus flasher “(Modified) ASUS ODD FW Changer (24.08.2019) + UHD Friendly Firmwares + Latest MK Pack” and the 3.10 MK bin (“ASUS-BW-16D1HT-3.10-WM01601-211901041014.bin”). The drive is connected using a USB3-to-SATA adapter (DeLock 61882). Also tried with the drive mounted in an Icy Box IB-550 enclosure with same result.
I run the flasher from a Win10 x64 Home running in a VirtualBox on my Mac (MacOS 10.15.4). The Asus drive SATA port is set to “Passthrough”.
MakeMKV in the VM sees the drive as:
Drive Information
OS device name: D:
Manufacturer: VBOX
Product: CD-ROM
Revision: 1.0
Serial number: KLMK3RJ****
Firmware date: 2119-01-04 10:14
Bus encryption flags: 1F
I’ve used this setup some time ago to downgrade an older drive (same model) from 3.03 to 3.02 without problems (with the older flasher). Can it be some new Asus mischief in the newer drives (march 2020), or have I missed something obvious?
It’s a brand new BW-16D1HT/BLK/G/AS, manufactured March 2020. MakeMKV (OS X) reports the following:
Drive Information
Manufacturer: ASUS
Product: BW-16D1HT
Revision: 3.10
Serial number: KLMK3RJ****
Firmware date: 2119-01-04 10:14
Bus encryption flags: 1F
Highest AACS version: 76
LibreDrive Information
Status: Possible (with patched firmware)
Drive platform: MT1959
Harware support: Yes
Firmware support: No
Firmware type: Original (patched version available)
Firmware version: 3.10
DVD all regions: Possible (with patched firmware)
BD raw data read: Possible (with patched firmware)
BD raw metadata read: Possible (with patched firmware)
Unrestricted read speed: Possible (with patched firmware)
I use the modified Asus flasher “(Modified) ASUS ODD FW Changer (24.08.2019) + UHD Friendly Firmwares + Latest MK Pack” and the 3.10 MK bin (“ASUS-BW-16D1HT-3.10-WM01601-211901041014.bin”). The drive is connected using a USB3-to-SATA adapter (DeLock 61882). Also tried with the drive mounted in an Icy Box IB-550 enclosure with same result.
I run the flasher from a Win10 x64 Home running in a VirtualBox on my Mac (MacOS 10.15.4). The Asus drive SATA port is set to “Passthrough”.
MakeMKV in the VM sees the drive as:
Drive Information
OS device name: D:
Manufacturer: VBOX
Product: CD-ROM
Revision: 1.0
Serial number: KLMK3RJ****
Firmware date: 2119-01-04 10:14
Bus encryption flags: 1F
I’ve used this setup some time ago to downgrade an older drive (same model) from 3.03 to 3.02 without problems (with the older flasher). Can it be some new Asus mischief in the newer drives (march 2020), or have I missed something obvious?