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ASUS BC-12B1STB 1.00
Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 4:15 pm
by 2-perf
Hi, I just got an ASUS BC-12B1STB 1.00
Can I just flash it with "ASUS-BC-12B1ST_b-3.11-WM00300-211902271321.bin" or there's some upgrade required as mentioned in the list of this post : ... 712#p79712
upgrade required - MK firmware available: 44 firmware(s):
Re: ASUS BC-12B1STB 1.00
Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 7:45 pm
by st4evr
No, you will brick it. That's an old drive model. Buy a new compatible drive if you want the newer features. ... 16&t=19634
Re: ASUS BC-12B1STB 1.00
Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 7:47 pm
by 2-perf
Sorry but what are the "newer features"?
Re: ASUS BC-12B1STB 1.00
Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 7:57 pm
by st4evr
1) You posted in the “Libredrive” subforum, so if you want immediate support for that feature you will need one of the newer drives that is currently supported.
2) UHD BD content decryption.
Re: ASUS BC-12B1STB 1.00
Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 8:43 pm
by 2-perf
Ok, Thanks for helping me out, it's quite appreciated!
I just had a look on the ASUS website and it seems I can update the firmware to 3.11. Should I ?
If I update the firmware to 3.11, will I be able to flash it with "ASUS-BC-12B1ST_b-3.11-WM00300-211902271321.bin" ?
Re: ASUS BC-12B1STB 1.00
Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 8:59 pm
by 2-perf
It was manufactured on September 2014.
Re: ASUS BC-12B1STB 1.00
Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 9:07 pm
by jonghotti
Hi Danny, feel free to give me a phone call at 650-850-2442 and I will give you a more detailed explanation of our warning about flashing the firmware in that drive.
I look forward to possibly speaking with you.
Re: ASUS BC-12B1STB 1.00
Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 9:58 pm
by 2-perf
I'm based in Montreal, let me see if I can find a way of calling you without having to pay long distance fees.
Re: ASUS BC-12B1STB 1.00
Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 10:11 pm
by jonghotti
2-perf wrote: ↑Fri Apr 24, 2020 9:58 pm
I'm based in Montreal, let me see if I can find a way of calling you without having to pay long distance fees.
Oh right, you can text or imessage that number if you're part of the apple ecosystem i think imessage is free or shoot me an email and i'll reply but voice call might be better.
thank you!
Re: ASUS BC-12B1STB 1.00
Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 3:03 am
by jonghotti
**Warning this is a somewhat long comprised of many opinions and some solid facts. Please have five to ten minutes available to devote to reading I can’t promise you’ll like all of it so please contact me with any feedback positive OR negative. I can take it. Peace!**
I had a lovely phone call with Danny and he is an awesome human. He’s a great dad, with a beautiful son. Based in Montreal speaks English very well and French beautifully of course.
He understands the issue with the older hardware revision and unfortunately because of the popularity of blu ray backup / LAN based streaming media many obsolete drives that should be being recycled are being sold maybe intentionally maybe not but unless you are experienced and know what to look for it’s very easy to wind up with a drive not suitable for uhd disc ripping. Then the flashing happens and you wind up with a brick and you’re out $60 - $100.
So in summary, if you’re not sure what to buy please talk to one of the mods or any of the sellers. Speaking only for myself I am happy to sell you a drive however if you’d rather do it yourself, find your own drive, I support that and rather than see you waste time and money I am happy to tell you what to look for and you’re off. I have many wonderful customers I am going to hard sell anyone.
I think it’s important and I do it all the time if you spot a drive for sale at a modern drive price and it’s obviously down rev there’s no harm in alerting the seller that their drive is not the current hardware.
Most of them I’ve talked to have no idea what I’m taking about and I keep it vague. I’ll say hi I need the model you’re selling but current hardware revision here are the version numbers this would not work for me and may cause others problems thank you peace out. Yes folks are trying to make a living but please not at the expense of inexperienced folks who are learning.
Whatever I’m rambling, point is know what to look for. If it looks to good to be true it probably is and if you had some cash and went to buy a car today are you going to buy a six or seven year old car when for only 10-20% more you could buy a brand new 2020 or 2019.
Also remember, and this is where people start throwing things lol, ladies and gentlemen many of us are ripping 4K discs, the most expensive physical media available. You’re going to invest in one or two drives, why go cheap? Buy a good drive spend a little. You just got home with $500 worth of new discs and your home theater ran you 5-10K and your worried over saving $20-$50 on the component that is ultimately going to provide all your streaming content and disc backups. Don’t go cheap.**
**these are my opinions based on my personal experiences. Your mileage may vary. Everything is relative and I’m not attempting to shame or belittle anyone. Please try and not take anything I say personally. I don’t want to see anyone waste precious time you’re worth more than and I love and respect all my fellow human beings, even my ex wife! Wow, ok I’m drained. Thanks for reading!