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Asus BD-16D1HT firmware upgrade problems

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2019 1:55 am
by infinisean
I have a strange problem I'm hoping someone here can help shed some light on.
I have two Asus BD-16D1HT drives. I initially flashed the patched 3.10 firmware successfully to the first drive and it worked fine.

After that, I purchased second drive and tried to flash that one and while the flash utility reports "success", MakeMKV still shows the drive as unpatched.
I opened a new Blu-Ray disc and the "check for updates" box is checked and it does say it is downloading the newest sdf.bin (and I also tried downloading it manually) but still no luck.
I was having some read issues with the first, successfully-flashed drive, so I tried to re-flash that one and now that one also reports success but shows not upgraded in MakeMKV.

Has anyone experienced anything like this or does anyone have any ideas of what I can try next?
I am all out of ideas and very frustrated.

Please see below for screenshots.

Thanks a lot in advance for any assistance
Firmware_update.PNG (25.49 KiB) Viewed 11398 times
MakeMKV_nofirmware.PNG (344.89 KiB) Viewed 11398 times

Re: Asus BD-16D1HT firmware upgrade problems

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2019 3:08 am
by SamuriHL
That's because you flashed the official ASUS 3.10 firmware. Please don't do that. LOL You need to flash the custom MK firmware that's stickied at the top of this forum. What I mean by "please don't do that" is that on these drives you should never be flashing official firmware like ever if you want them to be UHD compatible. Stick with the custom MK firmware.

Re: Asus BD-16D1HT firmware upgrade problems

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2019 3:32 am
by MartyMcNuts
It appears you are not using the modified ASUS flasher. Please use the modified ASUS flasher and select firmware 3.10-MK.

Re: Asus BD-16D1HT firmware upgrade problems

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2019 6:48 am
by infinisean
Well slap my ass and call me Sally... That was it.
I downloaded several firmware files and flashers (obviously, as I got the first drive right originally) and didn't even realize I had downloaded the official ASUS flasher.
They are both working properly now and I made sure to delete everything except the modified flasher and firmware so I don't make that mistake again
(I have a 5 drive external chassis connected by port SATA multiplier and eSATA cable/card so I will probably get another one or two of these ASUS BD drives to replace the plain DVD drives.)

Thanks, fellas.

On another note, all the features listed now say "Yes" except for "Unrestricted read speed: Possible, not yet enabled".
Does anyone know if/when that might be enabled?

Not a big deal either way... Just curious.

Thanks again!

Re: Asus BD-16D1HT firmware upgrade problems

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2019 5:37 pm
by SamuriHL
It's been asked about many times. Right now Mike hasn't enabled it for any drives. In the future a nice SDF update through the automatic downloads could enable it when Mike pushes it out. He's given no timeframe for when that'll happen. Glad you got it sorted out!

Re: Asus BD-16D1HT firmware upgrade problems

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2019 11:15 pm
by MartyMcNuts
infinisean wrote:
Sun Nov 10, 2019 6:48 am
Well slap my ass and call me Sally... That was it.
I downloaded several firmware files and flashers (obviously, as I got the first drive right originally) and didn't even realize I had downloaded the official ASUS flasher.
They are both working properly now and I made sure to delete everything except the modified flasher and firmware so I don't make that mistake again
(I have a 5 drive external chassis connected by port SATA multiplier and eSATA cable/card so I will probably get another one or two of these ASUS BD drives to replace the plain DVD drives.)

Thanks, fellas.

On another note, all the features listed now say "Yes" except for "Unrestricted read speed: Possible, not yet enabled".
Does anyone know if/when that might be enabled?

Not a big deal either way... Just curious.

Thanks again!
Good work Sally!! LOL... :D