by flashback8 » Fri Mar 29, 2019 7:18 pm
^ This. I have a BE16NU50, which is a dedicated external drive. The unfortunate thing is that I can't cross-flash it with any other FW. If I try, it fails. So, I can't switch over to Asus's (arguably) superior BW-16D1HT 3.10 FW. Meanwhile, you can take an internal drive and put it in a $40 Vantec enclosure. Voila! You have a perfectly functional external drive, and one that should be cross-flashable if it's a recent LG.
(Do your research before cross-flashing, kids. If it's an LG that can't read BDXL discs, you'll probably break it if you try to cross-flash it! Even if it can read them, I won't guarantee that all models will work. LG's "UHD friendly" drives should be safe, though.)