Archgon Flashing Issue (Model MD-8107-U3)

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Archgon Flashing Issue (Model MD-8107-U3)

Post by TheEvilMayor »

I recently bought a new Archgon MD-8107-U3 from Amazon to replace an older one that has started having mechanical issues. I'm attempting to flash it to BU40N-1.03 and am running into an issue. When I attempt to flash it, everything seems to work exactly how it should. Terminal shows the operation as having completed successfully, but the drive does not actually seem to have taken the 1.03 firmware.

I grabbed the latest sdf.bin before flashing, and the 1.03 firmware from Mike's link.

Here's what I'm seeing in the terminal:

Code: Select all

KAA-WS14:~ nickkmet$ /Applications/ f -d HL-DT-ST_BD-RE_BU40N_1.02_212012011716_MO4N1U94846 -f /Users/nickkmet/Downloads/MakeMKV\ Backups/sdf.bin rawflash -i /Users/nickkmet/Downloads/MakeMKV\ Backups/HL-DT-ST-BD-RE_BU40N-1.03-NM00000-211810241934.bin 

Reading input file /Users/nickkmet/Downloads/MakeMKV Backups/HL-DT-ST-BD-RE_BU40N-1.03-NM00000-211810241934.bin
Flashing flags = 0x0 : 0 0 0 0 : ---- ---- ---- ----
Current Drive ID: HL-DT-ST_BD-RE_BU40N_1.02_212012011716_MO4N1U94846
Ready to write drive flash memory.
Type "yes" to continue, "no" to abort
Operation started: Sending flash image to drive
 100% Operation finished                                
Operation started: Programming flash
 100% Operation finished                                
Done successfully
When I open up MakeMKV, the drive still shows as being on the 1.02 firmware, and UHD discs will not rip. Any ideas?

Here's what MakeMKV shows:

Code: Select all

Drive Information
Manufacturer: HL-DT-ST
Product: BD-RE BU40N
Revision: 1.02
Serial number: [redacted]
Firmware date: 2120-12-01 17:16
Bus encryption flags: 1F
Highest AACS version: 81

LibreDrive Information
Status: Possible (with patched firmware)
Drive platform: MT1959
Harware support: Yes
Firmware support: No
Firmware type: Original (patched version available)
Firmware version: 1.02
DVD all regions: Possible (with patched firmware)
BD raw data read: Possible (with patched firmware)
BD raw metadata read: Possible (with patched firmware)
Unrestricted read speed: Possible (with patched firmware)
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Re: Archgon Flashing Issue (Model MD-8107-U3)

Post by d00zah »

I believe your command line is missing 'enc'. Try:

Code: Select all

/Applications/ f -d HL-DT-ST_BD-RE_BU40N_1.02_212012011716_MO4N1U94846 -f /Users/nickkmet/Downloads/MakeMKV\ Backups/sdf.bin rawflash enc -i /Users/nickkmet/Downloads/MakeMKV\ Backups/HL-DT-ST-BD-RE_BU40N-1.03-NM00000-211810241934.bin
Posts: 14
Joined: Wed Mar 13, 2019 7:29 pm

Re: Archgon Flashing Issue (Model MD-8107-U3)

Post by TheEvilMayor »

Yup, that was it. Not sure how I missed that. Thank you!
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