Newbie trying to make sure about LibreDrive and Bluray playback

Discussion of LibreDrive mode, compatible drives and firmwares
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Newbie trying to make sure about LibreDrive and Bluray playback

Post by iainnitro »

I am brand new to using MakeMKV to rip movies. I just bought a new druve and I am running Linux. My Linux is EndeavourOS and a rolling release based on Arch and my makeMKV is the flatpak verson.

I am needing to make sure it reads encrypted Blurays and what library I need to install. I have bought a key so my version is registered.

THe Libre section states "might be supported in the future, etc..."

My drive is reported as BDDVDRW CT10L. It is a portable laptop style drive.

Help is much appreciated.
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Re: Newbie trying to make sure about LibreDrive and Bluray playback

Post by Woodstock »

Step A is determining what your drive is capable of. There are lists of drives compatible with UHD found here.

Step B is installing MakeMKV, which you say is done already.

The drive capability is the key. It isn't tied to the operating system.
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