Problem Flashing BP55EB40

Discussion of LibreDrive mode, compatible drives and firmwares
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Re: Problem Flashing BP55EB40

Post by DonaldFaQ »

The BP60N10 FW from the MK Pack don't work for me. The the Hybrid FW from here works fine.

EDIT: The BP60N10 FW from the MK Pack works well if you set the enc button to green.
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Re: Problem Flashing BP55EB40

Post by rvdboom »

Hi, all.
I'm using makemkvcon on linux to flash my drive and it apparently works well. However, the drive reported by makemkvcon keeps the same name and I can't read UHD drives.
Here is the output of makemkvcon for the drive:

Code: Select all

root@coyote:~# makemkvcon f -l
Found 1 drives(s)
00: dev_21:4, /dev/sr0, /dev/sr0
This is a USB BP55EB40 drive.
I tried flashing several firmware (the MK BP55EB40-NB50 and BP60NB10 one, the hybrid E_LG_BP60NB10), with same results for all:

Code: Select all

root@coyote:~# makemkvcon f -d 'dev_21:4' -f /home/richard/tmp/sdf.bin rawflash main -i /home/richard/tmp/DE_LG_BP60NB10_1.00_MK_HBD.bin 

Reading input file /home/richard/tmp/DE_LG_BP60NB10_1.00_MK_HBD.bin
Flashing flags = 0x0 : 0 0 0 0 : ---- ---- ---- ----
Current Drive ID: HL-DT-ST_BD-RE_BP55EB40_1.03_212005070924_SIK07M2895606
DEBUG: Code 117637252 at viMquYt1v=$Gzk%Z~&aQ#/W!W1[^Pbye:213132261
Desktop drive handshake failed with error=0x07030084, trying slim drive handshake...
Ready to write drive flash memory.
Type "yes" to continue, "no" to abort
Operation started: Sending flash image to drive
 100% Operation finished                                
Operation started: Programming flash
 100% Operation finished                                
Done successfully
Is there something I'm doing wrong?
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Re: Problem Flashing BP55EB40

Post by Coopervid »

Please try to add the -enc parameter to your command line.
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Re: Problem Flashing BP55EB40

Post by rvdboom »

Tried this (with sdftool):

Code: Select all

root@coyote:~# sdftool -d /dev/sr0 rawflash main,enc,slim -i /home/richard/tmp/mk-firmware-pack-20200720/MK/HL-DT-ST/BP55EB40-NB50/HL-DT-ST-BD-RE_BP55EB40-NB50-1.03-NM00800-212005070924.bin 

Reading input file /home/richard/tmp/mk-firmware-pack-20200720/MK/HL-DT-ST/BP55EB40-NB50/HL-DT-ST-BD-RE_BP55EB40-NB50-1.03-NM00800-212005070924.bin
Flashing flags = 0x0 : 0 0 0 0 : ---- ---- ---- ----
Sending image in encrypted format
Using an USB slim drive handshake
Current Drive ID: HL-DT-ST_BD-RE_BP55EB40_1.03_212005070924_SIK07M2895606
Ready to write drive flash memory.
Type "yes" to continue, "no" to abort
Operation started: Sending flash image to drive
 100% Operation finished                                
Operation started: Programming flash
 100% Operation finished                                
Done successfully
I unplugged the drive and plugged it back just in case it would be needed to take into account the new firmware. I tried to read two UHD disks (Dark crystal, BBC Blue planet II) but no luck. :-(
The flash tool seems to work fine, at least.

For the record, here is the sdftool info on the drive :

Code: Select all

root@coyote:~# sdftool -d /dev/sr0 --info
SDF.bin version: 0x0090

Drive Tool SDF present

Drive Specific SDF present

[Drive Specific SDF] Embedded Info Strings:
8000:LibreDrive Information


8001:Drive platform

8002:Firmware type
8107:Patched (microcode access re-enabled)

8003:Firmware version

8005:DVD all regions

8006:BD raw data read

8007:BD raw metadata read

8009:Unrestricted read speed

[Drive Specific SDF] Embedded Status Message:
8099:Using LibreDrive mode (v%1 id=%2)

Identification SDF present

[Identification SDF] Embedded Info Strings:
8000:LibreDrive Information

8102:Possible, not yet enabled

8001:Drive platform

[Identification SDF] Drive autodetect string:
mtk:19:59:BUP3:HL-DT-ST:BD-RE BP55EB40  1.03:NM00800:-
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Re: Problem Flashing BP55EB40

Post by Coopervid »

This firmware is not UHD compatible. You now need to cross-flash it. I just don't know how to do it with Linux. This is what Marty said for Windows.

1. Flash the drive to either WP50NB40 (NB50) 1.03-MK or BP50NB40 (NB50) 1.03-MK.

Now for the crossflash:

2. Select the RECOVERY option and in the pop up, select the WP50NB40 (NB50) 1.03-MK or BP50NB40 (NB50) 1.03-MK firmware that you just flashed.
3. Select either the BP60NB10 1.00-MK or BU40N 1.00 firmware in the normal drop box. Whichever one you want to use.
4. Click START

EDIT: I think I found it:

BP50NB40 to > BP50NB40-NB50-1.03MK then to > BP60NB10 1.02MK or 1.00MK
NB52 to > BP50NB40-NB50-1.03MK with enc > BP50NB40-NB50-1.03MK with bootloader/full flash > BP60NB10 1.00_HBD from Marty download/file.php?id=2143
if using command line add "full" after rawflash
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Re: Problem Flashing BP55EB40

Post by rvdboom »

Thanks. How do you see it's not enabled? Is that a particular value in the sdftool --info output?
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Re: Problem Flashing BP55EB40

Post by Coopervid »

What you mean enabled? Your firmware is not UHD compatible. You need to cross-flash your firmware to BP60NB10.
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Re: Problem Flashing BP55EB40

Post by rvdboom »

Sorry, I misunderstood.
It worked, this is what I did:

1/ Flash a first time with the MK firmware (viewtopic.php?f=19&t=19113) in full (I suppose to get rid of encryption and flash the boot also) :

Code: Select all

# sdftool -d /dev/sr0 rawflash full,enc,slim -i /home/richard/tmp/mk-firmware-pack-20200720/MK/HL-DT-ST/BP55EB40-NB50/HL-DT-ST-BD-RE_BP55EB40-NB50-1.03-NM00800-212005070924.bin
2/ Flash again with the BP60NB10 1.00_HBD hybrid firmware (viewtopic.php?f=16&t=18933):

Code: Select all

# sdftool -d /dev/sr0 rawflash slim -i /home/richard/tmp/DE_LG_BP60NB10_1.00_MK_HBD.bin
That did the trick. HBD firmware do not work in full mode, so I guess that's why you need the first step.
Thanks a lot for the help, Coopervid.
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Re: Problem Flashing BP55EB40

Post by Coopervid »

You are very welcome! Sorry - couldn't help with the Linux steps but with what had to be done.
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