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Flashing New Archgon Drive

Posted: Mon May 06, 2024 3:24 pm
by taipei72
Brand now to this game but super excited about it. I am trying to rip my Godzilla minus one to play from Plex. Have makemkv downloaded and the new Archgon Premium Aluminum External USB 3.0 UHD 4K Blu-Ray Writer Super Drive for PC and Mac to rip 4k discs...
I noticed that it said Libre Drive (Possible with patched firmware)

Here are my current info
Drive Information
Manufacturer: HL-DT-ST
Product: BD-RE BU40N
Revision: 1.02
Serial number: MO2N95D5557
Firmware date: 2120-12-01 17:16
Bus encryption flags: 1F
Highest AACS version: 77

LibreDrive Information
Status: Possible (with patched firmware)
Drive platform: MT1959
Harware support: Yes
Firmware support: No
Firmware type: Original (patched version available)
Firmware version: 1.02
DVD all regions: Possible (with patched firmware)
BD raw data read: Possible (with patched firmware)
BD raw metadata read: Possible (with patched firmware)
Unrestricted read speed: Possible (with patched firmware)

No disc inserted

I see I have 1.02 and I need to go to 1.03...
So I read the viewtopic.php?f=16&t=19634 and then tried to flash it using HL-DT-ST-BD-RE_BU40N-1.03-NM00000-211810241934.bin...

Here is what I saw in the terminal after finishing
mayanksrivastava@Mayanks-iMac MacOS % ./makemkvcon f -l
Found 1 drives(s)
00: /IOBDServices/A76D21DD
mayanksrivastava@Mayanks-iMac MacOS % cd /Applications/
mayanksrivastava@Mayanks-iMac MacOS % ./makemkvcon f -l
Found 1 drives(s)
00: /IOBDServices/A76D21DD
mayanksrivastava@Mayanks-iMac MacOS % ./makemkvcon f -d/IOBDServices/A76D21DD-f /tmp/sdf.bin rawflash main -i /tmp/HL-DT-ST-BD-RE_BU40N-1.03-NM00000-211810241934.bin
Drive "/IOBDServices/A76D21DD-f" not found
mayanksrivastava@Mayanks-iMac MacOS % ./makemkvcon f -d/IOBDServices/A76D21DD -f /tmp/sdf.bin rawflash main -i /tmp/HL-DT-ST-BD-RE_BU40N-1.03-NM00000-211810241934.bin

Reading input file /tmp/HL-DT-ST-BD-RE_BU40N-1.03-NM00000-211810241934.bin
Flashing flags = 0x0 : 0 0 0 0 : ---- ---- ---- ----
Current Drive ID: HL-DT-ST_BD-RE_BU40N_1.02_212012011716_MO2N95D5557
Ready to write drive flash memory.
Type "yes" to continue, "no" to abort
Operation started: Sending flash image to drive
100% Operation finished
Operation started: Programming flash
100% Operation finished
Done successfully

Per above, I have flashed it successfully..
But when I restarted makemkv, it still shows 1.02...
What gives..
Please help...

Many Many Thanks in Advance
A new user albeit and excited on

Re: Flashing New Archgon Drive

Posted: Tue May 07, 2024 2:33 am
by Billycar11
replace raw flash main with enc.. the guide says this