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GearAspiWDM.sys memory integrity issues!

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2023 6:50 pm
by vdog01
Hi, I looked everywhere but wasn't able to find a topic specific to this, so if anyone else has this issue, i figured i'd put down my experience and how I resolved the issue.

I purchased a brand new LG BP60NB10 drive to start my media collection. On the forum, it looks like this is the best drive with the least issues as far as flashing Libre Drive and ripping.

However, the moment I plugged it into my Windows 11 machine (via the USB port), I immediately got a popup "Can't turn on Memory integrity in Windows 11 due to Incompatible driver GEARAspiWDM.sys". Googling this error message there are a bunch of links on updating the driver but it looks like the last time this thing was updated was in 2014 (!). The closest link to someone else seeing this issue was

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. I really didn't want to turn off Memory Integrity just for this drive (it's a brand new computer that I built a year ago and this is the first optical drive)

From further Googling around with the "remove gearaspiwdm.sys" search, i found this link

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which was helpful in first referencing a program to remove the registry entries that Gear installs

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. However, i decided to do some registry diving as mentioned in the latter part of the Presonus link.

After removing all references to the GearAspiWDM.sys as well as just searching for Gear in the registry (which unfortunately also brings up some false hits like IPropertyChangeArray which I ignored, I successfully (as far as I know) removed all traces of Gear, which I guess was installed by some other programs that required CD burning capabilities (no idea what I'd installed), I rebooted the machine and plugged in the LG drive and this time, Windows saw it.

Installing MakeMKV and doing the flash using the GUI tool at

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and downloading the firmware pack at

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, it looks like my drive is all ready to start ripping :D
