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Pioneer BDRS12UHT works without cyberlink?

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 3:43 pm
by DvdPlayerHacker
Hi, I'm sort of new to this. I'm looking to be able to play UHDs off my computer. I've been looking at the Pioneer BDRS12UHT since it has built in UHD functionality without the need to flash. I have an amd cpu though and PowerDvd requires Intel SGX. Would the BDRS12UHT need to be flashed if I wanted to use it on my computer?

Re: Pioneer BDRS12UHT works without cyberlink?

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 5:31 pm
by Woodstock
Cyberlink PowerDVD will refuse to play the UHD disk if you don't have an Intel processor. Fortunately, that's not a problem with MakeMKV.

The potential problem is if you receive a version of the drive with firmware specifically intended to defeat MakeMKV, meaning post November 2022. That you can discuss with the various vendors of drives here.