UHD Drive occasionally unable to read discs?
Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2023 12:41 pm
I purchased a LG drive off of here last summer and have since ripped almost my entire library of UHDs successfully. The problem is there's a handful of discs that the drive is unable to read at all. I don't get errors while ripping, the disc just spins and spins until the drive stops attempting to read. Out of 700+ discs, this has happened on about ten discs, so it's not a high percentage at all. The thing is, I've tried renting some of these discs and they're unable to be read as well. So what I'm trying to figure out is what I need to do to get these final discs ripped. A couple of them are discs out of a couple TV series, so I'd especially like to have all those ripped in one place. I only have the one drive but I've tried it on multiple computers, Mac and PC. Are these specific discs just not compatible with this specific drive? If I purchase a different drive are they likely to work on that? I've read reports of these titles being ripped successfully, so it doesn't seem like it's anything inherent to the titles.