NOTE: UPDATED WITH FIX from below to help others.
Hey all,
I have tried to not post this, and gone through the guide a number of times, please tell me which part I am making a mistake with.
I have an LG WH14NS40 1.05 firmware.
From my understanding I need to flash this to the 1.05mk firmware first, and then flash it to the WH16NS60 1.02 after.
As told, I downloaded:
1. sdf.bin
2. the MK firmware Pack 20200720
3. The All You Need Firmware Pack
I then put these 3 files in the /tmp directory
I then went and ran the steps as described.
First identify the drive that I am trying to update (1E1948EC)
MacOS % ./makemkvcon f -l
Found 2 drives(s)
00: /IOBDServices/B7CA7A1A
01: /IOBDServices/1E1948EC
Flash the MK firmware to that drive (No Errors) NOTE THIS WAS UPDATED, Have to use ENC not MAIN for this
MacOS % ./makemkvcon f -d '/IOBDServices/1E1948EC' -f /tmp/sdf.bin rawflash enc -i /tmp/HL-DT-ST-BD-RE_WH14NS40-NS50-1.05-NM00900-212005061444.bin
Reading input file /tmp/HL-DT-ST-BD-RE_WH14NS40-NS50-1.05-NM00900-212005061444.bin
Flashing flags = 0x0 : 0 0 0 0 : ---- ---- ---- ----
Current Drive ID: HL-DT-ST_BD-RE__WH14NS40_1.05_212005061444_M42M3HE1747
Ready to write drive flash memory.
Type "yes" to continue, "no" to abort
Operation started: Sending flash image to drive
100% Operation finished
Operation started: Programming flash
100% Operation finished
Done successfully
Flash the WH16NS60 1.02 driver USING MAIN instead of ENC Here
MacOS % ./makemkvcon f -d '/IOBDServices/1E1948EC' -f /tmp/sdf.bin rawflash main -i /tmp/HL-DT-ST-BD-RE_WH16NS60-1.02-NM00100-211810291936.bin
Reading input file /tmp/HL-DT-ST-BD-RE_WH16NS60-1.02-NM00100-211810291936.bin
Flashing flags = 0x0 : 0 0 0 0 : ---- ---- ---- ----
Current Drive ID: HL-DT-ST_BD-RE__WH14NS40_1.05_212005061444_M42M3HE1747
Ready to write drive flash memory.
Type "yes" to continue, "no" to abort
Operation started: Sending flash image to drive
100% Operation finished
Operation started: Programming flash
100% Operation finished
Done successfully
I then ran this to confirm what firmware the drive had
MacOS % ./makemkvcon f -l
Found 2 drives(s)
00: /IOBDServices/B7CA7A1A
01: /IOBDServices/1E1948EC
MacOS %
And it didn't take, but didn't give me any errors.
I am a paid MakeMKV member and love the service, and appreciate anyones time to help me determine what I am doing incorrectly.
LG WH14NS60 1.05 not giving an error, but also not updating the firmware - MacOS Terminal method
LG WH14NS60 1.05 not giving an error, but also not updating the firmware - MacOS Terminal method
Last edited by Zorat on Wed Jun 22, 2022 2:50 am, edited 3 times in total.
- Posts: 4541
- Joined: Sun Aug 24, 2014 5:49 am
Re: LG WH14NS60 1.05 not giving an error, but also not updating the firmware - MacOS Terminal method
enc as the guide says instead of main
Buy a UHD drive from the guide and how to video maker: ... 20&t=17831
UHD Drives Guide: ... 16&t=19634
Auto flash kit $25 Email me for one
UHD Drives Guide: ... 16&t=19634
Auto flash kit $25 Email me for one
Re: LG WH14NS60 1.05 not giving an error, but also not updating the firmware - MacOS Terminal method
Thanks. I will fix the above so that others that have the same issue can see the correct context. I missed that one step of enc for the first one, and then leaving it main for the 2nd flash.