LG BH16NS55 flaky 4K UHD reading
Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 2:07 am
I just bought a used LG BH16NS55, manufactured in 2018 with firmware version 1.03. I flashed with the following command:
Notice the error at the end. Even though there was an error, MakeMKV shows the drive was indeed flashed:
The issue is, it's having a hard time reading some 4K discs. At the moment I only own 3 4K UHD discs. The drive only reads one of them. For the other 2 it's making a sound every few seconds a few times before failing to read. The one it reads, it reads it every time. Funny thing is, all the discs are part of the same pack, the new 4K Back to the Future release, it's only reading the second part. It reads regular CDs and Blurays just fine. Should I just replace the drive or am I doing something wrong? Are cleaning discs still a thing and should I use one?
Thanks in advance.
Code: Select all
C:\Program Files (x86)\MakeMKV>makemkvcon64.exe f -d D: rawflash -i "C:\Users\bartek\Downloads\The all you need firmware pack\LG 5.25 desktop\HL-DT-ST-BD-RE_WH16NS60-1.02-NM00100-211810291936.bin"
Reading input file C:\Users\bartek\Downloads\The all you need firmware pack\LG 5.25 desktop\HL-DT-ST-BD-RE_WH16NS60-1.02-NM00100-211810291936.bin
Flashing flags = 0x0 : 0 0 0 0 : ---- ---- ---- ----
Current Drive ID: HL-DT-ST_BD-RE__BH16NS55_1.03_211711201704_----
Ready to write drive flash memory.
Type "yes" to continue, "no" to abort
Operation started: Sending flash image to drive
100% Operation finished
Operation started: Programming flash
100% Operation finished
Program Flash NG 06/29/00
Command produced error code 0x8f062900
Code: Select all
Informacje o napędzie
Nazwa systemowa: \Device\CdRom0
Aktualny profil: BD-ROM
Producent: HL-DT-ST
Produkt: BD-RE WH16NS60
Wersja: 1.02
Numer seryjny: ----
Data firmware: 2118-10-29 19:36
Flagi szyfrowania bus: 17
Najwyższa wersja AACS: 72
LibreDrive Information
Status: Enabled
Drive platform: MT1959
Firmware type: Patched (microcode access re-enabled)
Firmware version: 1.02
DVD all regions: Yes
BD raw data read: Yes
BD raw metadata read: Yes
Unrestricted read speed: Yes
Brak płyty w napędzie
Thanks in advance.