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Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2020 9:53 am
by hedehede81
Hello guys, I just got an LG BE14NU40 external burner and here is the output:
Drive Information
OS device name: G:
Manufacturer: HL-DT-ST
Product: BD-RE BE14NU40
Revision: 1.01
Serial number: K99FCJF1919
Firmware date: 2114-06-25 14:41
Bus encryption flags: 1F

LibreDrive Information
Status: Enabled
Drive platform: MT1939
Firmware type: Original (unpatched)
Firmware version: 1.01
DVD all regions: Yes
BD raw data read: Yes
BD raw metadata read: Partial
Unrestricted read speed: Yes

No disc inserted

Question is, do I need to do anything further? Like a firmware update? What kind of discs can this drive rip? I heard it is not possible to rip UHD?

Re: LG BE14NU40

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2020 12:54 pm
by Billycar11
No leave it you are already getting the most out of it you can

Re: LG BE14NU40

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2020 3:58 pm
by dcoke22

Code: Select all

Drive platform: MT1939
That bit means the internals of your drive are an older platform that isn't capable of ripping UHDs. It'll probably rip DVDs and Blu-rays however.

If you want to rip UHDs, you'll need a different drive. UHD capable drives will show MT1959 for the drive platform.


That link is a good place to start.