Reloading makemkv and nothing appears to have changed in the drive info. It was on revision 1.02 already so nothing changed there. But the libredrive info stayed the same as well. As a result, trying to rip my 4k bluray fails. Did I miss a step? Any suggestions?
I've been slowly digitizing my dvd library and now I've hit my blurays it's become a hit or miss with my older drive (LG GGC-H20L plays bluray & hd-dvd) and then I got a new 4k movie which prompted me to invest in a new drive and brings me to my current dilemma.
makemkv log:
Code: Select all
Error 'Scsi error - ILLEGAL REQUEST:COPY PROTECTION KEY EXCHANGE FAILURE - KEY NOT ESTABLISHED' occurred while issuing SCSI command AD010..080002400 to device 'SPTI:\Device\CdRom0'
Can't read AACS VID from disc - most likely current AACS host certificate is revoked by your drive
LibreDrive compatible drive is required to open this disc - video can't be decrypted.