Can dosflash recover calibration data if multiple firmwares have been written?

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Can dosflash recover calibration data if multiple firmwares have been written?

#1 Post by QuestionableDecision » Wed Apr 21, 2021 9:05 pm

I apologize if this question has already been answered, but there is one detail that is unclear to me; do you only get one shot at salvaging your calibration data? It sounds like you do.

Like the many, I flashed NS50 firmware onto a WH14NS40 (2013 04 24) and soft-bricked it. It sounds like that would be easy enough to fix, but then I flashed (seemingly successfully) several other firmwares onto the drive. Yes, I agree, I should have paid more attention to the instructions before proceeding, but I didn't. Totally acknowledge it's my own fault, but as I've gotten older it seems like my attention span has gotten worse and worse.

In each case the flashing procedure completed without error messages, but I still was unable to read discs. I haven't kept track of all the firmwares I tried, and didn't do dumps of them.

All of this was done from Windows 10, not dosflash (some replies suggest, if I understand them, that if you only do the procedure from Windows the calibration data might still be intact). I tried multiple different methods though, including sdftool and the cmd line method described viewtopic.php?f=16&t=19634

At no time had I attempted to manually copy my calibration data to the new firmwares.

If dosflash can still read my calibration data then I'll do that. It doesn't sound that bad.

It sounds bad, but I figured I wouldn't give up just yet. Any help would be appreciated.

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