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New LG BH16NS55 w Firm 1.03

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 6:21 pm
by cybersky
hi all,

today i buy a LG 16NS55 bluray drive.
the whole last week i read around in this forum, what firm is the right for my new drive.

what i have done till now.

i flashed the DE_LG_BH16NS55_1.02 and look how it works.
makemkv told me this was not a libredrive. so i flashed the ASUS-BW-16D1HT-3.10-WM01601-211901041014.

is this the best choice for my drive or is there a better firm ?

thx for help and hints

Re: New LG BH16NS55 w Firm 1.03

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 8:49 pm
by Coopervid
You are good. Best choice so far.

Re: New LG BH16NS55 w Firm 1.03

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 6:46 am
by cybersky
thank you, i think its better to ask to be sure before i do anything wrong and brick my drive.

thx a lot