Double-check on Process for BU40N

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Double-check on Process for BU40N

Post by makuk »

Thanks for all of the advice on here and the effort put into the software - I'm moving to get my collection onto a home media server and there's a Hitachi-LG BU40N and a Vantec enclosure on the way to help with that.

In terms of ensuring I follow the guide correctly for flashing, I'd appreciate it if my points below could be checked...

- Drive will definitely be after 2015 as it's a BU40N
- Drive platform of 1959 - what does this mean and how do I check please?
- What does " SVC NS50+ LG only on label" mean?
- Finally, from the "All you need firmware pack" I assume the correct file is "The all you need firmware pack\LG slim BU40N\HL-DT-ST-BD-RE_BU40N-1.03-NM00000-211810241934.bin", and I'll follow the instructions on the youtube link in the flashing guide (not watched that yet).

Have I missed anything or got anything wrong there please?
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Re: Double-check on Process for BU40N

Post by dcoke22 »

makuk wrote:
Wed Aug 18, 2021 12:42 am
- Drive platform of 1959 - what does this mean and how do I check please?
When you launch MakeMKV, on the left it says 'Source' and on the right it says 'Info'. In the Info box, in the 2nd section of data (titled LibreDrive Information), there's a line in there called Drive Platform. The value for that line should be MT1959.
makuk wrote:
Wed Aug 18, 2021 12:42 am
- What does " SVC NS50+ LG only on label" mean?
On the drive, there should be a sticker that says it is a SVC NS50. If the sticker says it is a NS40, then you can't flash the drive; if you do so you will brick your drive. If the drive is in a case, you'll have to take it out of the case to see the sticker.
Posts: 5
Joined: Wed Aug 18, 2021 12:36 am

Re: Double-check on Process for BU40N

Post by makuk »

Brilliant thanks. Everything else I posted look OK?
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