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Drive Information
OS device name: D:
Manufacturer: BUFFALO
Product: Optical Drive
Revision: 1.00
Serial number: WR19 151***
Bus encryption flags: 1B
Highest AACS version: 28
I am using the modified ASUS flasher from here
Firmware versions I've tried unsuccessfully:
- DE_LG_BU40N_1.00.bin
- HL-DT-ST-BD-RE_BU40N-1.03-NM00000-211810241934.bin
- HL-DT-ST-BD-RE_BU40N-BU12-OM01001-211902230922.bin
- HL-DT-ST-BD-RE_BU40N-BN12-0M01001-211905141415.bin
- The drive itself works, I briefly played a regular Blu-ray movie.
- Disabled anti-virus software for the flashing process.
- I have tried 3 different USB 2.0 and 3.0 cables on USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 ports.
- I have tried it on 2 different Windows 10 computers (Home and Pro, both x64)
Have I missed anything? What else could I do? Upgrade to another official firmware using fwupdateroddpt_102.exe or brdrive_fwupdater_200.exe and go from there?