Quick questions: I've carefully read this guide, but I'm still a bit confused when it comes to flashing the drive.
I've recently purchased an Asus BW-16D1HT.
- it has been built after 2016
- it's the MT1959 platform
- I have the 3.11 firmware so it's encrypted
But now...
Question 1 : should I follow this instruction...
or should I go via this one ?Billycar11 wrote: ↑Mon May 27, 2019 5:20 amUnlocked Flashers, Downgrade Enabled Firmware and MK Firmware:
The only flasher anyone should be using now is Martys SDF GUI it now has built in safety's still check out the requirements and follow the recommending firmware but it shouldn't let you brick an old drive and should detect if the firmware is encrypted automatically

I have a feeling I should go for SDFtool Flasher but I would like to be 100% sure, as I'm confused that there's no warning saying the How-To Flash Videos and commands is now outdated. Or maybe I'm missing something.Billycar11 wrote: ↑Mon May 27, 2019 5:20 amHow To Flash Videos and commands:
New Updated guide for all Drives and firmware including encrypted firmware: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyQV1aPlbow
1. Open cmd as admin
2. Navigate to makemkvs install directory by default on 64 bit systems it is here: cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\MakeMKV"
3. If you have a listed encrypted firmware you must use this command: makemkvcon64.exe f --all-yes -d “ your drive letter here Example: D”: rawflash enc -i “path to your firmware Example: C:\Users\Billy\Downloads\Downgrade-Enabled-Firmware\Auto-Flash\LG-Desktop-NS60-sleep-fix\WH16NS60-1.02-MK.bin”
4. If you have unencrypted firmware use this command: makemkvcon64.exe f --all-yes -d “ your drive letter here Example: D”: rawflash -i “path to your firmware Example: C:\Users\Billy\Downloads\Downgrade-Enabled-Firmware\Auto-Flash\LG-Desktop-NS60-sleep-fix\WH16NS60-1.02-MK.bin”
5. Remove my examples and quotes ”” when you run the commands
Question 2 : in this guide it's written that I should flash direct the 3.10MK firmware.
But on the SDFtool Flasher page it's written that "If your desktop drive has encrypted firmware, flash WH16NS60 1.02-MK first"

My guess is that this sentence is only applying if we have a HL-DT-ST drive. Indeed the "Encrypted Firmware" contains only HL-DT-ST drives. So I have a feeling the list has not been updated and the instruction to go for the "WH16NS60 1.02-MK first" as well.
Thanks for your help!