Having trouble with my external drive

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Having trouble with my external drive

Post by Tymooo »

I‘m afraid my external bluray drive is faulty because I‘m receiving the „MEDIUM ERROR:1090“ too often in the last time. I know it‘s a popular error for a damaged disc, but sometimes my drive reads the same disc perfectly fine and sometimes it won‘t even recognize the disc that has been inserted. This happens with several blu rays but most DVDs however are no problem to read.

I already tried cleaning the discs and the drive itself by carefully going over the lens with a Q-Tip but I still experiencing the same issue...

So I guess the problem is caused by the drive.
Does anyone has another idea what could solve my issue or should I get a new drive? If so, which would you recommend?
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Re: Having trouble with my external drive

Post by jonghotti »

Happy to set you up with a new drive I've a few models to choose from. Feel free to contact me anytime, alexcoluzzi32@gmail.com
Thank you.
The Original "UHD Friendly" Drive Seller
https://www.makemkv.com/forum/viewtopic ... 20&t=17829
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