It is very strange that even after reflashing the whole eeprom you still have such issues.

Ok, but it is very strange. The erase option of DOSFLASH (under pure DOS) totally erases the eeprom and if you write the 1.01 or 1.02 dumpbarrett70 wrote:@Teddy Raspin
No, it does not come from the operating system I bought a ASUS BW-16D1HT and it works perfectly.
It is the reader who is involved.
Hi, barrett70.barrett70 wrote:It's a good idea this method I had not thought of it.
I'm trying.
TeddyRaspin wrote:@barret70
10) This time press 'W' (without quotes) and enter, as filename, DUMP102.BIN and press enter.
That makes sense, thank you very much for your quick reply.TeddyRaspin wrote:The Devilsclaw's flasher dumps the whole firmware except the header, which is needed to correctly
flash firmware. DOSFlash is the only tool which properly dumps the eeprom, including also header,
and this is the tool I've used to obtain the original dump of my BH16NS55.