I know this forum is about UHD movie ripping and firmwares that allow you to read UHD discs without restrictions, I am not interested in movie ripping. I have seen that there are modifications to the firmware of the drives that allow some models to read triple layer UHD discs.
I have a BLU-RAY PIONEER BD-RW BDR-209DBK drive with the 1.51 FIRMWARE version, the PIONEER drive does not recognize my blank or recorded 100 GB triple layer M-DISCs, while my ASUS BW-16D1HT reads and writes 100 GB triple layer M-DISCs on the same PC.
¿Even if it does not write M-DISC TL (100 GB) should it be able to read them if it is a BD-XL drive?
I haven't tried with normal BD TL because I don't have one, but the pioneer drive does read and write normal single layer 25 GB BD's.
My main question is if the drive can read TRIPLE-layer M-DISC discs (100 GB), or if the firmware can be modified to read TL M-DISCS (100 GB).
In the firmware notes it mentions triple layer support in firmware 1.50
https://pioneer.jp/device_e/product-e/i ... BDR-209DBK
Improvement of the recording quality with BD-R TL(2x 4x 6x : MCM)

This instruction manual also refers to the triple layer, but only associates it with writing, not reading.
https://www.pioneer.com.au/wp-content/u ... 209DBK.pdf

This pdf alludes to a low version of the firmware where the TL read function was removed.
https://images10.newegg.com/UploadFiles ... 870512.pdf

The M-DISC website states that it only records M-DISC single layer (25 GB) and DL (50 GB).

Also say that the website has been out of date for some time and that firmware 1.50 is from 2018.

While IMGBURN says it does not read or write BD-XL, only single layer (25GB) and dual layer (50GB) blu-ray, which is what the M-DISC website says.