Ronin 4K Disc
Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 10:08 pm
Anyone have issues with the recent release of Ronin 4K? I keep getting a "failed" message when trying to rip. I don't see tgz file but will send txt file to support.
No issue here. Might have just gotten a bad disc. Try cleaning it with some water and a micro fiber cloth and/or using a different drive. I have one drive that'll do 90% of discs and another drive that will usually complete if that one won't but runs at 4x instead of 6x. The crazy thing is I already had like 300+ discs by the time I got into ripping and all of those ripped no problem on one drive or another but since then I've had at least 5 discs that wouldn't rip on either drive but a replacement disc always worked.