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Star Trek Into Darkness UHD forced subs
Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2021 2:18 am
by inkwell84
- 30085808-DFB4-4FEE-9D2B-9D06CFD6CB79.jpeg (306.06 KiB) Viewed 5547 times
I’m getting one sub track with the forced eng subs and the standard eng subs combined.
Can someone tell me what I’m doing wrong?
I’m creating an MKV from the attached title, audio track, and the only two associated subtitle tracks (English).
The MKV ends up with two subtitle tracks when I view it in mediainfo or mkvtoolnix or subtitle edit. Neither are flagged as forced, so I assume the two “forced” tracks shown in makemkv are empty and makemkv must be omitting them from the final MKV.
The first sub track that is in the outputted mkv is appx 3500 element count and the second is appx 4000 element count.
When I check them with Subtitle Edit, the first sub track contains standard English subs and no forced subs.
Here’s where it gets weird.
The second sub track contains the forced subs AND the normal English subs (that my wife puts on when she wants to keep volume low etc.)
So what am I doing wrong? How do I generate a track JUST for the forced subs that are showing up in that second track?
Re: Star Trek Into Darkness UHD forced subs
Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2021 2:27 am
by Woodstock
Nothing. The disk was authored with no subtitles flagged as forced, so the "forced only" tracks have nothing to save.
The majority of disks are authored with separate subtitle tracks for "all" and "forced only" subtitles.
Re: Star Trek Into Darkness UHD forced subs
Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2021 2:52 am
by inkwell84
So how can I pull out the forced subs?!
Re: Star Trek Into Darkness UHD forced subs
Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2021 5:30 am
by Woodstock
You simply select the forced subtitle track from the two provided. I'd actually recommend pulling both, then use VLC or similar to play the file, and switch between the subtitle tracks to see which one has "everything" in it, then make the OTHER track the default one.
That second part involves using mkvtoolnix, specifically the header editor, and setting BOTH the "default" and "forced" flags on the proper subtitle track. Some information about this can be found
here, but it is simple to do with the mkvtoolnix graphic user interface.
Re: Star Trek Into Darkness UHD forced subs
Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2021 7:52 am
by Woodstock
Additional information - On the BD releases of both Beyond and Into Darkness, what we would consider "forced subtitles" are actually burned into the video. And, like a lot of titles, very few examples of foreign audio are subtitled. It is only where the actual words are important to the plot that subtitles are used; everywhere else, it's either irrelevant what was said, or you can understand by how the other characters react.
Re: Star Trek Into Darkness UHD forced subs
Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2021 2:53 pm
by inkwell84
Maybe I did not describe it well.
I extracted the two primary subtitle tracks (in English), with forced subs option checked.
That yields a possible 2 to 4 subtitle tracks (ie: 2 if no forced subs found within the primary subtitle track, 3 if one forced sub found, and 4 if 2 forced subs found).
The output includes 2 subtitle tracks.
One is all of the English movie subs without forced (Alien/Foreign) subs, and the second is the English movie subs PLUS THE ALIEN/foreign subs.
MKV did not generate a track containing ONLY alien/foreign subs.
How can I get extract the alien/foreign subs from that second track to make a new forced subs track (even if I have to manually select them), so that I can then mux it into the mkv (with “forced” flag)