The two towers theatrical 4k

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The two towers theatrical 4k

Post by charlie62 »

As in title The Two Towers theatrical as a fault being that it only does 20% to 30% before failing.Would I have to return the full set to Amazon or just the faulty disc for replacement thanks
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Re: The two towers theatrical 4k

Post by preserve »

charlie62 wrote:
Sat Dec 05, 2020 2:49 pm
Would I have to return the full set to Amazon or just the faulty disc for replacement thanks
Amazon is a retailer, not a manufacturer/studio. They don't have spare discs and they're not setup to swap out discs from one returned set for another. You'll need to return the full set to Amazon. However, they usually have long return times and generally ship out the replacement before receiving the original back (you agree to be charged for the replacement if you don't return the original when you initiate the return). You can wait until you get the replacement, swap out just the items you need to, and then send back a complete set.
charlie62 wrote:
Sat Dec 05, 2020 2:49 pm
As in title The Two Towers theatrical as a fault being that it only does 20% to 30% before failing.
From the main thread:
Jobber72 wrote:
Sat Dec 05, 2020 11:40 am
sonnumber5 wrote:
Tue Dec 01, 2020 11:12 pm
My Fellowship Extended Part 1 disc seems to have some kind of defect preventing read past the first 160MB on disc. Nothing visible to my eye. Hobbit 1-3 ripped fine, Two Towers is fine so far. Frustrating.
As Mike has pointed out a few times already, new discs often have an oily film on them which is invisible to the naked eye. Cleaning your discs with mild soap and some water will most likely fix your problem. (the game of thrones discs had the same problem)
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Re: The two towers theatrical 4k

Post by gimmeoled »

Charlie - any luck on this? I purchased the theatrical 4k set on ebay and the discs are flawless but MakeMKV will not get passed about 70% on Two Towers. Sounds like that's what happened to you?
ghost rider
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Re: The two towers theatrical 4k

Post by ghost rider »

Me too. I got the box set yesterday and Two Towers theatrical and part 2 extended will not rip. I'm guessing they are bad discs. I'm planning to return to BB I hope I can get them to let me just swap the 2 discs that are bad.
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Re: The two towers theatrical 4k

Post by jcwillia1 »

I received the following errors while trying to rip Two Towers (FOTR ripped fine)

Error 'Scsi error - ILLEGAL REQUEST:INVALID FIELD IN CDB' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00075.m2ts' at offset '79352033280'
Error 'OS error - The specified request is not a valid operation for the target device' occurred while reading '\Device\CdRom0' at offset '79352033280'
Error 'OS error - The specified request is not a valid operation for the target device' occurred while reading '\Device\CdRom0' at offset '79352033280'
Error 'OS error - The specified request is not a valid operation for the target device' occurred while reading '\Device\CdRom0' at offset '79352033280'
Error 'OS error - The specified request is not a valid operation for the target device' occurred while reading '\Device\CdRom0' at offset '79352033280'
Error 'OS error - The specified request is not a valid operation for the target device' occurred while reading '\Device\CdRom0' at offset '79352033280'
Error 'Scsi error - ILLEGAL REQUEST:INVALID FIELD IN CDB' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00075.m2ts' at offset '79352033280'
Error 'Scsi error - ILLEGAL REQUEST:INVALID FIELD IN CDB' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00075.m2ts' at offset '79352033280'
Error 'Scsi error - ILLEGAL REQUEST:INVALID FIELD IN CDB' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00075.m2ts' at offset '79352033280'
Error 'Scsi error - ILLEGAL REQUEST:INVALID FIELD IN CDB' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00075.m2ts' at offset '79352033280'
Error 'Scsi error - ILLEGAL REQUEST:INVALID FIELD IN CDB' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00075.m2ts' at offset '79352033280'
Error 'Scsi error - ILLEGAL REQUEST:INVALID FIELD IN CDB' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00075.m2ts' at offset '79352033280'

Are these the same errors you saw?

edit - ran it a second time and it worked fine.
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