I am receiving a write protect error while trying to save the MKV. I tried from the disc and I tried backing it up to hard drive first. The backup was successful without decrypting. I am not getting the typical error regarding a hash key not being known though and so it isn't generating a file to upload. Would the _private_data.tar be of any use? It's the only file in the user\.makemkv folder that shows today's date.
Edit - I forgot to mention, the error occurs about a third of the way through.
[US] Full Metal Jacket - BestBuy UHD
Re: [US] Full Metal Jacket - BestBuy UHD
The actual debug log is more valuable than _private_data.tar.
Write protect errors are on the media being written to, not the optical disk. How are you on space on your target device? Are there any per-user space limits?
Write protect errors are on the media being written to, not the optical disk. How are you on space on your target device? Are there any per-user space limits?
MakeMKV Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ about BETA and PERMANENT keys.
How to aid in finding the answer to your problem: Activating Debug Logging
FAQ about BETA and PERMANENT keys.
How to aid in finding the answer to your problem: Activating Debug Logging
Re: [US] Full Metal Jacket - BestBuy UHD
Over 3TB's free but it's an external drive, I've backed up 2 other 4K discs to the same drive tonight without error but I'll try writing to an internal drive just in case.
Re: [US] Full Metal Jacket - BestBuy UHD
Got a different error trying to write to the internal drive:
Code: Select all
Error 'OS error - {Access Denied} A process has requested access to an object, but has not been granted those access rights' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00061.m2ts' at offset '19565248512'
Re: [US] Full Metal Jacket - BestBuy UHD
Strange issue. Could be some sort of USB buffer overflow. You should try to rip to your local drive and see if the error persists. Possibly try cleaning the disc as well even if it looks spotless.
I've ripped the UK version of this movie with no issues using a bh16ns55 and wh16ns60 v1.02 firmware.
Just to note also. _private_data.tar is the hashed keys file that gets downloaded so if you delete this it will just download again.
Re: [US] Full Metal Jacket - BestBuy UHD
Weird, it read from a 7200RPM hard drive to an NVME SSD and it finally completed successfully. There was 1 warning during the operation that it was reading faster than could write which considering that it was going to an NVME SSD seems absurd. I wonder if this UHD simply has a higher bitrate than anything my computer has tried to process before? At least it's done now, thanks for the help!
Re: [US] Full Metal Jacket - BestBuy UHD
Glad you got it sorted. One hell of a movie!