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Dolby Vision?
Posted: Wed May 02, 2018 5:19 pm
by jriddle
If I make a decrypt backup copy that has DV will I be able to stream from my network and receive the DV metadata. Streaming through ATV 4k using Infuse Pro 5.7.1.
Re: Dolby Vision?
Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 4:59 am
by st4evr
There has already been some discussion on this in multiple threads in fair detail. The short answer is no due to difficulties in or lack of DV support in many areas at this time.
Currently applies to full backups and MKV files.
The long answers:
1. A Google search will provide several answers/discussion on this including some straight from Firecore staff.
2. Additional info: ... 12&t=17235
3. More info: ... 6&start=15