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Correct Title For Inception
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 1:20 am
by KayakNate
Looks like there are two of identical size. Believe it's 101 based on the japanese stuff in 100. Anyone seen this yet?
Re: Correct Title For Inception
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 2:05 am
by preserve
You are going to see this on a lot of movies, both Blu-rays and UHDs.
I believe it's for localization of which audio options the user will be able to select when played on a regular player, depending on their region.
Because of this, in MakeMKV you will see two main playlists as you've described, and both will be identical in terms of length, chapters and segments.
One will have English plus other languages such as French, Spanish, etc and the second one will have English plus Japanese.
Assuming you want English and don't need/want any of the secondary language tracks, it shouldn't matter which one you choose.
The only thing I'm not sure if they're identical in these cases are subtitles or optional audio such as commentaries, so that would be the only thing I'd double check for if those are important to you.