When trying to copy my UHD version of Arrival I get these error messages
Fehler 'SCSI-Fehler - ILLEGAL REQUEST:COPY PROTECTION KEY EXCHANGE FAILURE - KEY NOT PRESENT' trat auf während der Übertragung des SCSI-Befehls A40..002000800 zu Laufwerk 'SPTI:\Device\CdRom0'
Fehler 'SCSI-Fehler - ILLEGAL REQUEST:COPY PROTECTION KEY EXCHANGE FAILURE - KEY NOT ESTABLISHED' trat auf während der Übertragung des SCSI-Befehls AD010..080002400 zu Laufwerk 'SPTI:\Device\CdRom0'
AACS-VID kann nicht gelesen werden - höchstwahrscheinlich wird das AACS-Hostzertifikat durch Ihr Laufwerk aufgehoben
Der Volumenschlüssel für die DVD/Blu-ray ist unbekannt - das Video kann nicht entschlüsselt werden
Error 'SCSI-Error - ILLEGAL REQUEST:COPY PROTECTION KEY EXCHANGE FAILURE - KEY NOT PRESENT' occured during the transmission of the SCSI-Command A40..002000800 at drive 'SPTI:\Device\CdRom0'
Error 'SCSI-Error - ILLEGAL REQUEST:COPY PROTECTION KEY EXCHANGE FAILURE - KEY NOT ESTABLISHED' occured during the transmission of the SCSI-Command AD010..080002400 at drive 'SPTI:\Device\CdRom0'
AACS-VID cannot be read - most likely the AACS host certificate is beeing revoked by your drive
The volume key for the DVD / Blu-ray is unknown - the video cannot be decrypted
I think I myself cannot do anything to fix this right? Do have to wait for a new release, where additional keys for decrypting are added?
Is your drive USB powered? If so, you need to make sure you use both plugs and/or a high power usb hub to make sure your drive is getting enough power.