File selection from BDMV

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File selection from BDMV

Post by Hamm3rstein »

Hi there, I've just started to rip my collection and would like to ask a question before I go any further.
I have no real interest in all the Blu Ray menus etc just want to be able to play films in my Zidoo player (unsure if I will use the native media player or Plex yet). If I were to watch extras I've still got the discs to stick in the Blu Ray player.

I am creating UHD backups (using Make MKV) to an external drive then opening the BDMV in Make MKV to create the file that I will watch. I would just like to know why there are seemingly 2 copies of the same film with the same soundtrack etc. Do I need both? Thanks
Screenshot 2025-02-04 at 16.13.43.png
Screenshot 2025-02-04 at 16.13.43.png (938.11 KiB) Viewed 1556 times
Screenshot 2025-02-04 at 16.13.36.png
Screenshot 2025-02-04 at 16.13.36.png (992.3 KiB) Viewed 1556 times
Screenshot 2025-02-04 at 16.08.05.png
Screenshot 2025-02-04 at 16.08.05.png (448.86 KiB) Viewed 1556 times
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Re: File selection from BDMV

Post by Hamm3rstein »

Think I've figured it out - the second version had japanese language otherwise appeared to be the same.
I assume I can just pick one of these and delete the other?
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Re: File selection from BDMV

Post by dcoke22 »

Notice that one has several languages exposed and the other just has English and Japanese. If you stick that disc in a Japanese player, you'll see the title with just the English and Japanese. If you stick the disc in pretty much any other player, you'll see the title with the other languages.

Both show a 'segment map' that is identical, which means video is identical. In fact, assuming you made a decrypted backup, you can go into the <backup>/BDMV/STREAM/ folder and find a file named 00056.m2ts and play it with VLC and you'll see the movie and all available soundtracks.

You only need one copy.
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Re: File selection from BDMV

Post by Hamm3rstein »

Thanks for your reply, good to know what the difference means.
Just did another (A Quiet Place) where 1 copy was split into chapters but the other wasn't. At least now I'm not wasting loads of space with multiple copies I don't need.
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