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How to keep Weight settings running Batch?

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 7:41 pm
by casperse1
Hi All

I have spend most of my time playing with this, and I have a couple of questions.
(Just took the plunge to get the Full license, so interesting to see future developments)

MakeMKV default profile:

Trying to create a conversion profiles to use in conjunction with MakeMKV Batch Converter

I have some trouble setting this up, so asking for some help.
All the below Weight is set in the GUI, how to keep these settings as default now?
Or do I need to create a new conversion profile?
Can I copy the Default and rename it?

1) I dont want to have any No forced flag on any subtitles (So this is default - no change).
ignoreForcedSubtitlesFlag - never set "forced" flag for subtitle tracks. Default - true.

3) Set default flag in MKV (For prioritized laungauge) audio indtrack:

setFirstAudioTrackAsDefault - set "default" flag for a first audio track. Default - true.
So no change here either as long as the Weight is set correctly!

2) Prioritize audio track order, 1, 2, 3, 4 (1: DK (If present, 2: ENG if present, keep all other audio track 3-4-5-6!)

Weight Audio:
Danish 0
English 1
Rest Default as listed on DVD

3) Prioritize Subtitles:

I have changed below, to False in the Default profile is that enough? (- as Default when batch processing)
setFirstSubtitleTrackAsDefault - set "default" flag for a first subtitle track. - false.

The problem is that if I put a SRT in the folder later the default setting is wrong (Also if langue is native I dont want to show subtitles)

Do I have to change this line below?, to keep the weight as default? (If I choose a favorite language in the GUI it removes the rest, and I don't want that).


Or do I need to set something in the "profile XSD schema listing" (Cant find that in the program folder?)

Below are set in the Gui (How can I set this to be default for all MakeMKV batch?)

Weight Subtitles:
Danish 0
English 1
Rest Default

4) On the fly audio conversion: Create Stereo audio track if there isn't one already or if only DTS exists? (Playback on more devices?)
(DTS)->LPCM default setting?

How do I set this? can it check for Only DTS? or Stereo Audio track? (Would love
(My space was very limited when I ripped all my DVD?s to my NAS so I some times only keept the DTS - Would hate to have to rip them all again!)

Almost ready to start my first batch, really exiting to be able to convert an entire DVD collection without spending all my time in front of my PC!

Kudos, to everyone supporting the future development of this great SW Tool!

Best regards

Re: How to keep Weight settings running Batch?

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 10:13 am
by casperse1
Ok I know have a new "default" file (and renamed the org, to Default-org)
And that seems to work, when doing batch work.

DVD profile:

Now I just need to figure out on how to select everything, and rearrange the order of audio & Subtitles.
Also to include forced subtitles (Like in District 9 DVD) do I need to define that or is it automatically included in +sel?

1) Audio weight : (0) Dan & (1) Eng
2) Subtitles weight : (0) Dan (First priority if available) & (1) Eng (Native/Default)
2) Include forced subtitles? -sel:(subtitle*(!forced)) ??

So something like this (Just cant get this to work, cant find any documentation on this?)


So what am I doing wrong? and can set it up so I get a stereo track if there is only DTS?
Or create a manually file that creates a PCM stereo for DVD with only DTS?

Hope someone can help me.
Best regards

Re: How to keep Weight settings running Batch?

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 1:00 pm
by Chetwood
Here's my default selection string that works with BatchConverter (and MultiMakeMKV obviously):


Re: How to keep Weight settings running Batch?

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 2:51 pm
by casperse1
Chetwood wrote:Here's my default selection string that works with BatchConverter (and MultiMakeMKV obviously):

Thanks, but I would like to keep EVERYTHING (Archive mode) all subtitles and Audio tracks, just need to rearrange the order.

So would this alone: +sel:all,=100:all,-10:dan,-5:eng
Also keep all forced subtitles? and everything else in my MKV files? or would I need the (forced*(Dan) to get that?
(I am running tests, but would like someone to confirm before I run a batch on the first 100 ISO files ;-)

And if I later wanted to strip a "Spanish" soundtrack I could just run Batch on all my MKV files with a new selection profile right?

Re: How to keep Weight settings running Batch?

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 7:18 am
by Chetwood
I guess so. But if you want Danish forced subs to be first it would rather look like this:


resulting in:

dan forced
eng forced

Re: How to keep Weight settings running Batch?

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 11:54 am
by casperse1
Great! I had a few titles with Forced UK subtitles popping up and I needed to change that manually with mkvmerge GUI :(
So thanks for this! :D

Re: How to keep Weight settings running Batch?

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 3:08 pm
by casperse1
Chetwood wrote:I guess so. But if you want Danish forced subs to be first it would rather look like this:


resulting in:

dan forced
eng forced
BTW: Would I not need a "+sel:all" in front just to make sure it takes everything to MKV?
Like this:


After testing with out the +sell:all - I am getting the subs in right order but not the Audio 1:Dan 2:Eng
Somehow Eng Audio dosent change only subs
What do I need to update, to get this working (Forced are working now!) so maybee like this


Sorry would love a document on how this works :D

Re: How to keep Weight settings running Batch?

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 7:31 am
by Chetwood
By default, MakeMKV assigns a weight of "100" to each track and weight of "90" to all tracks in favorite language.
So you need to define 'dan' as your favourite language and the order should change automatically. If not, try


or something.

Re: How to keep Weight settings running Batch?

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 2:04 pm
by casperse1
Chetwood wrote:
By default, MakeMKV assigns a weight of "100" to each track and weight of "90" to all tracks in favorite language.
So you need to define 'dan' as your favourite language and the order should change automatically. If not, try
or something.
Thanks Chetwood
Sorry don't want to make this complicated :wink: (But it's more than just dan).

Danish : should always come first, and Eng second but if there is no danish sound/Subtitles Eng has first priority.
So I can not use favorite language, that would limit my selection to only Dan.
Forced subtitles also need to be defined as first priority (Dan forced - Dan) and (Eng forced - Eng)