For example, the commandline usage output mentions the source specification for discs:
Code: Select all
disc:<DiscId> - open disc with id <DiscId> (see list Command)
Also, on the web page for usage, there is an example at the end about using the stream command. But no actual documentation about the stream command. There is some ambiguous stuff, out of context, regarding UPNP (universal plug-and-play), IP addresses, ports, etc. "mike admin" wrote a message suggesting one approach to convert an undecrypted blu-ray backup plus "discatt.dat" to a decrypted backup is to start the built-in web server and "download" decrypted M2TS files. Looks interesting, but without any explanation of the web server operation it is just vague and not usable. Furthermore, the specific example given on the web page about usage -- which is:
Code: Select all
Start streaming server with all output suppressed on a specific address and port
makemvcon stream --upnp=1 --cache=128 --bindip= --bindport=51000 --messages=-none
Code: Select all
Deprecated option ignored
Deprecated option ignored
Deprecated option ignored
Invalid command: stream