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Feature Request - Eject and Read
Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2019 9:58 am
by JasonHC73
After the video is completed, eject.
As soon as a disc is inserted, load it. (or open it)
I'm not getting much use out the advanced features, I just want the Name of the Video and the Year.
So far, none of my videos have the year inside or the right Name of the video that is usable.
Am I missing out on something else that "advanced" does?
Re: Feature Request - Eject and Read
Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2019 12:33 pm
by Woodstock
No, you haven't missed any features in the advanced tab (at least as far as this request).
There is a conflict in the "insert and read"; going beyond what MakeMKV does right now (read the beginning of the disk to get some basic information), there are two possible paths; Start a backup, and Open the disk to make MKV files. Different people want different things. It would have to be configurable to match a particular user's preference.
Re: Feature Request - Eject and Read
Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 2:30 am
by JasonHC73
A radio button may be for what to do when disc inserted?
Nothing, Backup, Open.
I've been doing DVD's lately and see how obnoxious they are standard wise. So it really doesn't matter what can be done "automatically". There really isn't an easy database for them as a CD.
I'm just making a PLEX server. I've finally found a tool that just simply works. So far super happy with it.
I've found a few though that won't let their contents be read.