CLI questions regarding preferences (xml)

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CLI questions regarding preferences (xml)

Post by aamjohns » Tue Dec 30, 2014 8:51 pm

I'm trying to do command line conversion of ripped BD and DVD movies to MKV. I've reviewed the forums, the usage.txt page, played around with the command line. I got a little confused in some areas so I thought I would run this by you all.

I want to pre-configure my preferences to get the best audio source included. Say, DTS. I want English audio and subtitles.

Finally, I'd like to be able to specify the name of the output file, although this is not extremely important.

If I understand correctly, to accomplish this I need to create an .xml with the preferences I want. I can use the default as a template and adjust accordingly, and then call this on the command line.

Here are my questions. 'favlang' - where is this stored? On preferences>language I can set English. But I don't see the default xml file change. Nor the default selection rules. Should I replace 'favlang' with 'eng'?

The info on this post is very helpful. But with the favlang thing, I don't see what this points to so that is why I am asking if I take that out and put in 'eng' (sorry I am tired so my writing probably stinks).

Next, if I want to get the HD audio track, why would I want to do this 'unselect HD track if it has a core track'. I'm not sure what this means.

For what I am after, will this work?
with this setFirstAudioTrackAsDefault="true"

I'm not familiar with the meanings of some of the descriptions so that is throwing me off some. For verification
matches if track is mono/stereo and there is a multi-channel track in same language
Based on my original 'this is want' I assume the above is key to that. Except, don't I want +sel:(havemulti|havecore)? What is 'core audio'? And this setFirstAudioTrackAsDefault="true" will not impact this in any way right?

I want the movie so is that still be accomplished by setting --minlength to be a value high enough to be the movie? Or is there a better way?

When I start makemkvcon64 I'd rather it not check the other devices if I specify file: on the command line. Is there a way to have it not scan CD-ROM devices, and various DRV's? Just go straight to processing the specified file?

Finally, can a filename be passed or is title00.mkv always going to be the output name? It is not terribly important, but would be nice.

Thank you.

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