makemkvcon title selection

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makemkvcon title selection

Post by Tikari » Fri Mar 07, 2014 6:21 am

First post, so please be kind - I've spent quite a few hours searching for a solution to my problem, but haven't had a breakthrough yet.

My Blu-ray workflow:

Rip via disc backup to a directory structure on my windows machine.
Move the files to a RAID array attached to a Debian box.
Use makemkvcon to create MKVs of all titles on the disc (15 seconds minimum).
Move the main movie file(s) to a share my Plex Media Server can serve up and the extras to a different directory for later viewing.

After some research and custom profile work, I've got things working how I want them - almost. The final piece (I hope) that is left is truly getting all titles. When I use makemkvcon (with the "all" flag set) on certain Blu-ray directories, it doesn't actually select all the titles I'd expect. I believe the common denominator is seamless branching.

An example of a disc I'm having issues with is Blade Runner, disc 3, which has the U.S. Theatrical Cut, the International Theatrical Cut, and the Director's Cut, stored on the Blu-ray using seamless branching. I'd expect to get all three of those cuts (as well as all other titles longer than 15 seconds, based on my command line parameter) as separate MKV files. Currently, I'm only getting one of those movie titles and some of the extra features.

When I load the files into the MakeMKV GUI, I get the same set of titles selected, so it seems as if there's default title selection logic going on I'm not sure how to control.

Here's my makemkvcon commandline:

makemkvcon mkv --profile ~/.MakeMKV/profile.mmcp.xml --minlength=15 file:"BD DIRNAME" all "outputdirectory/DIRNAME"

Here's my track selection string:

Am I running into a limitation of makemkvcon, or is there something I'm missing?

If additional info would be helpful, I'd be happy to post.

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