Single vs dual dolbyvision

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Single vs dual dolbyvision

Post by Jman5150 » Fri Mar 12, 2021 3:32 am

Ok been reading alot and going crosseyed so I hope I make sense.

Theres 2 kinds of dolbyvision, single and dual, and mkv and kodi can do single but not dual. Did i get that correct?

The difference, as I understand, is single layer is just dv and dual layer is hdr and dv. The purpose is so you have both options for greater compatibility. That way of you have an hdr only tv it still plays. Did i get that right? If so how does that work with the tone mapping?

If not what am i missing?

i thought i saw someone mention single layer can turns off atmos ...but that didnt seem to make sense to me ? Any link to audio files and dv?

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