makemkvcon progress codes

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makemkvcon progress codes

#1 Post by tripplesixty » Fri Feb 07, 2014 11:15 pm

So I've been doing a ton of reading here on the forums and am attempting to create some automation around the makemkvcon tool. After reading the usage txt provider here /developers/usage.txt im a little confused about how the progress codes are used. A sample output of a recent bluray info can be seen here

The explanation of codes is as follows:
Progress bar values for current and total progress
current - current progress value
total - total progress value
max - maximum possible value for a progress bar, constant

The current progress makes sense to me in this log I provided as each individual section approaches the max value of 65536, however the total progress value only reaches a value of 29491. Which is just shy of 45% of the max value described. Am I missing something here? How am I actually supposed to calculate the total progress or did makemkvcon just jump from 45% to complete.

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Re: makemkvcon progress codes

#2 Post by Marchut » Sun Mar 18, 2018 1:07 am


I looked at the data and if I had to guess it would be that all progress is 65536 (16 bit) number. The current would be current/65536 and the total would be total/max.

This is just an assumption but it appears both current and total approach 65536. The "Jump" might be that the last operation is equivalent to the remaining total based on time elapsed.

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