Makemkvcon backup disc to folder instead of iso

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Makemkvcon backup disc to folder instead of iso

#1 Post by SamKook » Tue Sep 06, 2022 4:02 am

Is there any way to backup a DVD to a folder using Video_TS structure using makemkvcon(also doesn't seem possible in the GUI)?

I want to use makemkv to decrypt discs that need extra processing but I haven't found a way to get the files directly. As of now, I have to rip to iso, extract it with 7z and then delete the iso which just uses extra temporary space and processing for no good reason.

Using something like this to achieve it would make sense to me and if you want an iso, you speficy the extention on a file.

Code: Select all

"C:\Program Files (x86)\MakeMKV\makemkvcon64.exe" backup -r --decrypt --noscan disc:0 "K:\_2enc_\_ISO\SomeDVD\"
But I get the following error which doesn't match the problem, the lack of a double \ at the end may be the reason:

Code: Select all

MSG:5068,516,1,"Folder K:\\_2enc_\\_ISO\\SomeDVD\" already contains a backup, please choose another folder","Folder %1 already contains a backup, please choose another folder","K:\\_2enc_\\_ISO\\SomeDVD\""
If I don't include a \ at the end of my path, it simply creates the iso SomeDVD without the extention.

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