Excluding Additional Angles in Default Profile

Discussion of advanced MakeMKV functionality, expert mode, conversion profiles
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Excluding Additional Angles in Default Profile

Post by ps_md »

Hi all, I have searched these boards to no avail so i am hoping someone can help me configure the default profile the way i want it. I rip my blurays and DVDs mainly for my kids to watch over Plex and i would like finish the remainder of my collection (about 300 dvds). I have enabled Expert mode and selected a default language, so now only English tracks are being selected, which is good. However, several bluray disks have multiple angles which i do not want to rip, i only want the first angle. I am trying to limit the amount of "checking and unchecking" of check boxes prior to starting the rip, so I assume getting the profile configured correctly is critical.

Here is the profile i am using:

How do i change this to only include the first Angle of a movie?

Bonus points:
Also, is it possible to have makeMKV select the best quality audio track and exclude the others?

Thanks again for any help!
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Re: Excluding Additional Angles in Default Profile

Post by ndjamena »

There's very little automated selection of titles built into MakeMKV. Default selection has nothing to do with title selection.

However, MakeMKV already automatically deselects different 'angles'.

When MakeMKV thinks it knows which title is the correct one it also deselects all the others sharing the same components (although, that doesn't mean it always chooses the best title.)

So unless you're doing something really strange you must be talking about all the other idiotic reasons multiple titles are included on a disc.

MakeMKV has no idea which is correct, so there's absolutely nothing it can do.

Only a human mind can determine which title is correct for any particular disc, so it's up to you to figure it out.
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