Howto: Create working OE-BluRay player

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Howto: Create working OE-BluRay player

Post by fowii »

I have worked on that for about 1 week to fix all the problems. Here is an solution for always up to date openelec with build in BluRay support.
This should be possible to be done by every lightly advanced linux user. Just follow every single step with your brain turned on.

Basic information: We will compile recent version of openelec with build in makemkv functionality from source.

go to your home directory: cd ~
copy openelec source: git clone
git clone
cd unofficial-addons/addons/multimedia/makemkv/
you can simply update to recent makemkv version by editing one line for example 1.9.2 to 1.9.5 in this file: nano
cd ~/
scripts/create_addon makemkv
make clean
cd ~
mkdir makemkv
unpack now ~/ (the bin and lib directorys inside) to ~/makemkv/bin and ~/makemkv/lib
create a licence textfile with recent makemkv licence key you can get from here for free while in beta : nano ~/makemkv/settings.conf
(settings.conf should look then like that: app_Key="T-xxxxxxxx" )

now we modify openelec to build with makemkv:
cd packages/multimedia/libaacs/
nano -> the last part should look like this:
post_makeinstall_target() {
mkdir -p $INSTALL/usr/config/aacs
cp -P ../KEYDB.cfg $INSTALL/usr/config/aacs
ln -sf /usr/lib/ $INSTALL/usr/lib/
ln -sf /usr/lib/ $INSTALL/usr/lib/
cp ~/makemkv/bin/makemkvcon.bin $INSTALL/usr/bin/makemkvcon
cp ~/makemkv/lib/* $INSTALL/usr/lib/
mkdir $INSTALL/storage/
mkdir $INSTALL/storage/.MakeMKV
cp ~/makemkv/settings.conf $INSTALL/storage/.MakeMKV/

cd ../libbdplus/
add this to the end of the file:
post_makeinstall_target() {
ln -sf /usr/lib/ $INSTALL/usr/lib/
ln -sf /usr/lib/ $INSTALL/usr/lib/

now build the openelec image. I just tested x86_64. Maybe its also working on ARM.
cd ~/
PROJECT=Generic ARCH=x86_64 make image

you can get then prowdly your self compiled image from (the img.gz file) and use it for installation.
Dont forget that you have to be connected to the internet to playback bluray because makemkv have to check the licence.

This work and text is been written and done under CC-BY-SA-4.0 . Have fun with this.
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