Changing track order in output file

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mike admin
Posts: 4071
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2008 2:26 am

Changing track order in output file

Post by mike admin »

Starting with MakeMKv 1.7.1 , track order may be changed in profile and in GUI. To change the order of tracks, the concept of "track weight" is used. Track weight is a number (positive or negative) that is assigned to each track. The defaultSelection setting in profile controls initial track weight. Track weight may be changed in GUI. Track weight directly correlates with track position in output file - heavy items go down, light items float up. Tracks with smaller weight value will appear closer to the top. As usual, -100 is smaller than -50 which is smaller than 25.

When writing an output file, MakeMKV always writes all tracks in following order:
  • video track
  • all audio tracks, sorted by weight. If two tracks have the same weight, they are written in the same order as they are in source file.
  • all subtitle tracks, sorted by weight. If two tracks have the same weight, they are written in the same order as they are in source file.
By default, MakeMKV assigns a weight of "100" to each track and weight of "90" to all tracks in favorite language. All of this logic may be changed in profile. Having a default value of "100" makes editing track order in GUI somewhat easy:

To set a specific order for tracks, just change track weight to desired track position (i.e. "1" for first track, "2" for second, etc).
To just make sure that a certain track is first, set its weight to "0"