Some help

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Some help

Post by jnkweaver »

I am trying out MakeMKV and have a few questions. So far I like the speed of the program.

I have about 1100 movies on my NAS all in DVD format with Video_TS folders and multiple files. I have been using KODI as an organizer for playback. A friend at work suggested MakeMKV and PLEX which I am willing to try.

All of the movies are under a folder that has the name of the dvd. i.e. 3 Godfathers (1948). The Name convention does not seem to work here. Is there a way to use the folder name?

I will have to convert 1100 dvds. It is easier for me to convert the already done folders on the NAS versus handling all 1100 dvds again. Is there a batch command to run or do I do it one at a time?

Lastly I have read where people have problems in the middle of their movies and are asking for fixes. I do not have the time to watch every movie for continuity. Are there error messages that go with these problems?

Thanks for your help.
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