[Bluray] How to convert only specific chapters in a title

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[Bluray] How to convert only specific chapters in a title

Post by chenmah »

I'm using makemkv-cli in Linux. As far as I can see, makemkv can only break down the playlist into titles, it that right?
My question is, how can I just rip certain chapters within a title? When I start the GUI version, I can see all the chapters alongside their timestamps are detected. But I can't figure out a way to select the individual chapters. But maybe there is a way to do that in the cli version? I prefer cli because I would like to automate it with a script.

The reason I want to do so is that my Bluray disc is defect in the middle of the video. Makemkv just can't get through. But it just plays fine if I start it after that bad spot in vlc. Therefore, I would like to rip all the chapters except the bad one. Is it possible at all?
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