BatchMKV - batch GUI for MakeMKV

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Re: BatchMKV - batch GUI for MakeMKV

#106 Post by mwijas » Mon Feb 20, 2017 6:52 pm

Hi Kenneth,

I have been testing your application and I am trying to understand how to view the details of any errors that are thrown by MakeMKV for each title processed. I have enabled error logging and I see the MakeMKV output to a file in the Event Viewer when a new file is analyzed – this appears to be the same information that MakeMKV displays when a new file is analyzed. However, any subsequent errors shown by MakeMKV (after the conversion starts) are not shown in the Event Viewer. I have tested this multiple times and can easily reproduce it. If there is a setting somewhere that will show these errors, please advise. If not, I would like to request it be added as a feature. As it stands now, files are shown to be converted successfully, but some actually have errors encountered by MakeMKV (which may or may not be ok to ignore). If need be, I can provide examples of what I am referring to.

If you do make a fix for this, please do not simply add it to the Event Viewer as part of the current error logging. Taking this approach would require that each and every Event Log entry be reviewed individually for each file. For large batches, this would be extremely cumbersome. Rather, please take the approach that only those files which have an error thrown by MakeMKV after the start of the conversion, be shown. Ideally, these types of errors would be shown regardless of whether Error Logging is enabled, or if there are concerns about performance, then it could be enabled via a separate flag in the settings. If the Event Log must be used (if there is no reasonable alternative for you to show this in the application), then please do so via a separate Event Log section, so that just the post-conversions errors are shown, and only for files which encounter errors. When a user runs a large batch conversion, these errors (if any) are the ones that will need review.

Separately, I am not sure if you are aware that when the Filename is set to ‘Based on title name’, which is the default setting on a new install, there can be an issue. For any title which has a character which is invalid for a file name (a colon most commonly), the conversion will fail. This is of course is an easy fix in the GUI, but it requires manually reviewing each filename and manually editing those which need to adjusted – that is extremely cumbersome for large batches. If you could simply add code to atomically replace invalid filename characters with valid alternatives, that would be great. For example, replace all colons with hyphens, and so forth.

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Re: BatchMKV - batch GUI for MakeMKV

#107 Post by kenneth » Mon Feb 20, 2017 8:23 pm

mwijas wrote:I have been testing your application and I am trying to understand how to view the details of any errors that are thrown by MakeMKV for each title processed. I have enabled error logging and I see the MakeMKV output to a file in the Event Viewer when a new file is analyzed – this appears to be the same information that MakeMKV displays when a new file is analyzed. However, any subsequent errors shown by MakeMKV (after the conversion starts) are not shown in the Event Viewer. I have tested this multiple times and can easily reproduce it. If there is a setting somewhere that will show these errors, please advise. If not, I would like to request it be added as a feature. As it stands now, files are shown to be converted successfully, but some actually have errors encountered by MakeMKV (which may or may not be ok to ignore). If need be, I can provide examples of what I am referring to.
I would very much appreciate if you can provide some examples of what you are referring to, and I will be sure to look into this. You can just send the examples via PM.
mwijas wrote:If you do make a fix for this, please do not simply add it to the Event Viewer as part of the current error logging. Taking this approach would require that each and every Event Log entry be reviewed individually for each file. For large batches, this would be extremely cumbersome. Rather, please take the approach that only those files which have an error thrown by MakeMKV after the start of the conversion, be shown. Ideally, these types of errors would be shown regardless of whether Error Logging is enabled, or if there are concerns about performance, then it could be enabled via a separate flag in the settings. If the Event Log must be used (if there is no reasonable alternative for you to show this in the application), then please do so via a separate Event Log section, so that just the post-conversions errors are shown, and only for files which encounter errors. When a user runs a large batch conversion, these errors (if any) are the ones that will need review.
Thanks, I will take this into consideration.
mwijas wrote:Separately, I am not sure if you are aware that when the Filename is set to ‘Based on title name’, which is the default setting on a new install, there can be an issue. For any title which has a character which is invalid for a file name (a colon most commonly), the conversion will fail. This is of course is an easy fix in the GUI, but it requires manually reviewing each filename and manually editing those which need to adjusted – that is extremely cumbersome for large batches. If you could simply add code to atomically replace invalid filename characters with valid alternatives, that would be great. For example, replace all colons with hyphens, and so forth.
I was not aware of this error, there's already supposed to be a function to replace these characters where they are not valid. I will look into this.
BatchMKV - free Windows-based batch processing software for MakeMKV

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Re: BatchMKV - batch GUI for MakeMKV

#108 Post by mwijas » Mon Feb 20, 2017 9:45 pm

Just sent you a PM with file attachment with the details.

FYI, my testing was with the beta version you posted to this thread on Mon Aug 29, 2016 10:22 am.

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Re: BatchMKV - batch GUI for MakeMKV

#109 Post by STxFarmer » Sun Mar 19, 2017 9:05 pm

Thanks for making this great tool.


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Re: BatchMKV - batch GUI for MakeMKV

#110 Post by Heinrich » Tue Apr 25, 2017 7:43 pm

I'm not having any luck - I'm just getting a red bar with a "failed" status. The most obvious problem would be user name / permissions. So I opened notepad and saved a "test" file into the destination directory with no problem. I'm not sure where the logs are or what to do next........

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Re: BatchMKV - batch GUI for MakeMKV

#111 Post by al2suarez » Mon Aug 21, 2017 2:24 am


I have recently used BatchMKV and am happy to have found it. However, I wish I could filter the Sources like for example, only *.ISO. Also, would be nice to have drag&drop available.


So I ran into a problem. While converting my ISOs, the titles that were created were correct initially but then noticed that their title were just digits. All remaining conversions had the same issue, their title was just numbers. So I stopped the BatchMKV. The issue is that now when I run through the process of selecting my ISO, none get converted at all. I have tried un-installing and re-installing but still same. It won't convert! It does the Analyzing but nothing happens afterwards. Very frustrating. Is there anyway to clear the cache or something?

Also, is there any possibility of adding multi-select? I have hundreds of ISOs and having to click each checkbox is tedious.

Thank you,

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Re: BatchMKV - batch GUI for MakeMKV

#112 Post by Buzzardrock » Thu Jan 25, 2018 4:07 pm

The newest version of MKVToolNix (20.0.0) breaks this program. The files seem to be created in a temp folder, but fail to be renamed. I enabled the debugging and found an error in the event log.

Code: Select all

mkvinfo failed, no tracks identified.

Executable: C:\Program Files\MKVToolNix\mkvinfo.exe
I did a quick search online, and you may want to take a look at this issue at MKVToolNix's Gitlab page. I was able to roll back to version 19.0.0, which still works fine.

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Re: BatchMKV - batch GUI for MakeMKV

#113 Post by KristofB83 » Wed Jan 31, 2018 11:04 pm

This application would safe me so much time if I could get it to work :)
My conversions fail with status message "Could not modify output file metadata".

Any help available?

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Re: BatchMKV - batch GUI for MakeMKV

#114 Post by KristofB83 » Fri Feb 02, 2018 10:42 pm

Just in case any one has the same issue: the beta release is working just fine for me. (combined with mkvtoolnix v19)

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Re: BatchMKV - batch GUI for MakeMKV

#115 Post by Goof245 » Mon Feb 12, 2018 9:04 am

Using the current beta, 'nix tools are version 19, 20 doesn't work for me.

The very first bluray I converted worked perfectly, output filename was set to the disk label. After this though nothing I set in the 'Default title settings' appears to do anything. No DVD or bluray, even the first one, will name the titles anything other than title00, title01 etc... Absolutely useless for a batch tool, when every output file is called title00.mkv...

{name-default}, {source-file} and {source-file-clean}{ [BD]|source-isbluray}{ [DVD]|source-isdvd} {[3D]|video-3d||[2D]}{ [|video-resolution|]} are what I've tried so far.

EDIT: Seems to be caused by the caching setting on the first page. If this is selected, and I change the output format, on the next scan the new settings are completely ignored.

EDIT2: Is there any possible way to pull status information from MakeMKV and display it, specifically read speed and time elasped / remaining? Failing that, is it possible to call MakeMKV in gui mode with this tool?

Would be great to have some idea of how the conversion is progressing.

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Re: BatchMKV - batch GUI for MakeMKV

#116 Post by kenneth » Tue Feb 13, 2018 11:15 pm

I should have some time this weekend to address a few of the reported issues including MKVToolNix 20 compatability.
BatchMKV - free Windows-based batch processing software for MakeMKV

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Re: BatchMKV - batch GUI for MakeMKV

#117 Post by Buzzardrock » Thu Feb 15, 2018 11:37 pm

I have found a bug. When the track name contains a colon the conversion fails. The status for the track says "Could not move output file to destination." I assume it's because windows doesn't allow colons in file name, and when I remove the colon the conversion succeeds.

There is no error in the event viewer. There is an informational event that says "mkvinfo succeeded, 2 track(s) identified."

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Re: BatchMKV - batch GUI for MakeMKV

#118 Post by kenneth » Mon Feb 19, 2018 9:16 pm

Version 0.7.0 is now available. See the 1st post of the thread for links to changelog and download.

There are still several reported issues that I have not had the time to fix yet. They will be fixed in due course, as my time and schedule allows.

IMPORTANT: I've merged the main and the beta branch. The beta branch will be the only branch going forward. If you are currently using the beta branch, you must manually install version 0.7.0 using the link in the 1st post, it will not update to 0.7.0 automatically.

NOTE: If you are currently using the main branch, be advised that settings will be lost when you update to version 0.7.0. This is because it has been switched to using the registry to store settings. This means that you will need to set your settings again, but going forward this should eliminate the issue with settings sometimes being lost when updating the application. The settings are stored at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adeptweb\BatchMKV in case you need to backup/migrate to another system.
BatchMKV - free Windows-based batch processing software for MakeMKV

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Re: BatchMKV - batch GUI for MakeMKV

#119 Post by kenneth » Mon Feb 19, 2018 9:28 pm

Buzzardrock wrote:I have found a bug. When the track name contains a colon the conversion fails. The status for the track says "Could not move output file to destination." I assume it's because windows doesn't allow colons in file name, and when I remove the colon the conversion succeeds.
This should be fixed. Please let me know if you still have issues with this.
BatchMKV - free Windows-based batch processing software for MakeMKV

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Re: BatchMKV - batch GUI for MakeMKV

#120 Post by jknight » Sat Mar 10, 2018 4:58 am

Hi. I just installed this, along with MKVToolNix v19 and for every disk (dvd) i have tried I get "Analysis Failed" Am I doing something wrong?

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