Default output file name template

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Re: Default output file name template

Post by green_ember » Fri May 10, 2024 8:39 pm

The two things I use to get around most of these problems are Microsoft PowerAutomate Desktop and a program call Bulk Rename Utility. I use PAD to make folder structures for Plex.

My movie 'flow' works by scraping information from my open IMDB page for the movie I looked up. It then makes a folder in my default rip location in the Plex preferred format of MovieName (Year) {imdb-ttNumber}. It then creates the subfolders for Behind the Scenes, Deleted Scenes, Featurettes, etc... (all eight folder names that are called out in the Plex naming convention). When I rip, I just drop my file in the movie's directory. I have a second 'flow' that I can trigger which will rename the mkv to the same as the parent directory, minus the imdb tag because you don't need it. It also appends 'extra info' [DVD] or [BluRay] to the file name based on size.

My TV 'flow' is slightly less automated because I wasn't motivated enough to script for TheTVDB's multi tabbed layout. It will prompt for series name, start year, tvdb series ID, and number of seasons. The flow then creates another Plex-compliant folder structure SeriesName (Year) {tvdb-IDnumber} with season subfolders padded to two digits (Season 00, Season 01, Season 02, etc...). For ripping destination purposes, I add subfolders in each season for five discs (I haven't ripped any shows that had more than that). When I'm done ripping, I use Bulk Rename Utility to do scripted/patterned renaming of the episode files using a base file name "SeriesName (Year) - s##e" and BRU's extremely flexible auto-numbering feature (padding, positive or negative incrementing in case your episodes rip in reverse order, start-at number, etc). After that, I just move the files up to the main season directory and Plex handles the rest. I don't worry about episode titles in file names, but if that's something that does concern you, you can take it a step further and preload all the names in a specially formatted text file and BRU will apply them all at the same time. It's a pretty powerful utility

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