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Preferences behaviour

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 5:47 pm
by Kdmeizk

I have several requests about the registry in Windows 7 32/64 bits with MakeMKV. A file .ods is linked below.

About all requests in "Microsoft" / "Windows" etc, they are only for a "security problem" (spy especially). If you haven't really the time, you can leave these keys. Otherwise, I would like these keys are deleted with the uninstallation of MakeMKV.

If you don't understand something or others reports, I can more precise.


I changed my report to let only things related to MakeMKV, because yes it is too much painful to manage Windows's remains. Here is now for the Windows's Registry:
  • HKCU\Software\MakeMKV is not deleted after the uninstallation (MakeMKV must be started once to get this key). Should ask to the user to keep it or no, or simply delete it.
  • The preferences have a not common behaviour (default values are not put in the registry, only values which differ of these default values are inserted).

Re: Requests in registry in Windows 7 32/64 bits

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 11:45 pm
by Woodstock
Looking at the keys listed in your file, all but a couple of them are created by something other than the MakeMKV installer. If you check the other keys in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing, for example, you will find Windows Explorer, Internet Explorer, Java runtime, and lots of other programs listed. And most of them on my machine have the same content...

I'm sure Mike will look at the list, but it is not the best practice to delete registry keys that you did not create, even if they seem (to a human) to be related to your program.

Re: Requests in registry in Windows 7 32/64 bits

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 10:04 am
by Kdmeizk
Yes Wood I said in the main post it's Windows which creates these keys. The best solution is to delete these keys because with the exception of Microsoft who can spy us or a hacker, they are are useless.