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changing file name

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 11:11 pm
by Mark0x01
I have been moving a large number of dvd's to a nas to play with xbmc on a raspberry pi.
This app really speeds up the process.
No more scratched and lost dvd's :D

I trim down the selection to remove unwanted titles and languages.

Most end up being saved as tile00.mkv.

It would be nice to be able to set this before starting, unless there is a way I've missed.

Also, when I untick a top title branck, the lower ones remain selected (ticked)

Does this mean they are still selected ?

Re: changing file name

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 12:52 am
by ndjamena
Mark0x01 wrote:I have been moving a large number of dvd's to a nas to play with xbmc on a raspberry pi.
This app really speeds up the process.
No more scratched and lost dvd's :D

I trim down the selection to remove unwanted titles and languages.

Most end up being saved as tile00.mkv.

It would be nice to be able to set this before starting, unless there is a way I've missed.

Also, when I untick a top title branck, the lower ones remain selected (ticked)

Does this mean they are still selected ?
View | Preferences | General | (Check) Expert Mode

You can then find the File Name in the "Properties" Drop Down Box on the main GUI.

MakeMKV won't save tracks without putting them in a file, so if you uncheck a file it's track checkboxes become irrelevant.

Re: changing file name

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 10:13 pm
by Mark0x01
The problem is I usually save just the main movie, and in english only.
No other tracks, languages or subtitles.

The NAME property is correct, but the output file name is different, as it adds the track info.


property NAME is HAPPY_FEET

file writes to HAPPY_FEET_t00.mkv

I really wanted HAPPY_FEET.mkv

Re: changing file name

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 11:10 pm
by ndjamena
You can click on the drop down box and change the file name, or you can write a batch script the rename them after the fact.

Code: Select all

Set "NewName=%~n1"
if "%NewName:~-4,2%"=="_t" Set "NewName=%NewName:~0,-4%"
if NOT "%NewName%"=="%~n1" ren "%~f1" "%NewName%%~x1"
Assuming you're using windows.

You can add

Code: Select all

Set "NewName=%NewName:_= %"
if you'd rather lose the underscores too.