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Multiple Audio Track redundancy

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 3:43 pm
by pm240sx
When there are multiple audio tracks on a blu-ray with DTS-HD and DTS 5.1. Is it redundant to copy them both? I see the DTS 3/2 +1 English but I also see that under the DTS-HD Lossless English the same audio track is there and checked off. Do I need to copy both? Or should I only copy the DTS-HD Lossless that includes the DTS 3/2+1 audio? Will it automatically down-mix the audio if I'm not using a DTS-HD capable receiver?


Re: Multiple Audio Track redundancy

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 12:01 am
by Smithcraft
If you examine your picture, you'll notice that you are pointing to the DTS core stream, and a DD stream.

Your (or any random MakeMKV user) playback device might not support DTS-HD so that might cause an issue with the file not playing at all.


Re: Multiple Audio Track redundancy

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 12:20 am
by toshibauser
Is it redundant? yes it is.
Pick whatever you prefer: DTS or Dolby Digital (DD). It's really like choosing between Miller and Bud.

HD Lossless is not checked by default and you could manually select it, however if you don't have a capable receiver/audio processor you will be greeted to silence rather to hear a PCM down mix.

Re: Multiple Audio Track redundancy

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 3:26 pm
by pm240sx
Thanks. I think I need glasses I didn't notice DD and DTS. Just to recap to make sure I understand correctly. if my example (Modified the original example see below) was DTS-HD with DTS under it and the second choice was DTS copying both is not necessary. I ask because currently I'm watching all my movies on my computer without a receiver but eventually will be setting up my Home Theater again (just moved) and would like the DTS-HD or DoblyTruHD. But in the mean time I can't use my receiver and don't want silence when i play my next movie on the computer. Thanks for the help.

Re: Multiple Audio Track redundancy

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 2:29 pm
by SiliconKid
This is precisely the kind of confusion I was concerned about when I started the following thread: